Starfields is one of the biggest games of 2023 – but it’s joined other recent games like Baldurs Gate 3 in being boycotted by conservatives because of the way it interacts with gender.

    101 year ago

    They’re frightened of poverty and government control, which they have been brainwashed to associate with sane and progressive policies.

    If the economic future of your town relies on the coal, oil, or gas industry, then anything that threatens to disrupt that industry is a threat to your future. Sure we could invest in public projects to educate and rehabilitate those losing their jobs to technological progress, but that would mean the big bad gubmint getting involved, and you’ve been taught by everyone you trust since childhood that the government doing anything is tantamount to the devil. The only option left is to fight tooth and nail against any and all progress.

    These people are not insane, they’re acting perfectly logically in accordance to a flawed understanding of reality, an understanding which is in part manufactured by the ruling class to prevent the growth of leftist ideas. They’re not stupid, they’re ignorant, scared, desperate, misled, and yes, sometimes very bigotted. There’s a reason cults recruit outside hospitals, and the cult of 45 is no different.