Mr Trump made the gaffe about the threat of World War II — which finished in 1945 — during the part of his address in which he was questioning the mental acuity of 80-year-old Mr Biden.

    6810 months ago

    If the Left weren’t so timid, they would be all over this and demand he is examined for senility. Because, let’s face it, that is exactly what the GOP would do if Biden started talking about the War of 1812 or how he will defeat George W Bush.

    Sure, there are going to be a bunch of snarky comments and a few memes about this posted, but I hate to break it to you all, our comments on social media don’t mean squat. We need actual people in positions of power to come forward and demand Trump get a mental health exam. But they clearly are too cowardly to do so.

      2010 months ago

      Timidity isn’t the problem. The “left” only exists in online forums such as Lemmy. Truth be told, there’s been such a disastrous amount of damage done to working class consciousness over the decades during the cold war that people think wanting universal healthcare is communist.

        410 months ago

        But that is being timid. Because the Right has made universal healthcare a “communist” thing, but the Left is so utterly clueless in this country that they can’t make a unified, cohesive argument for it. They are too timid to attack the Right, even when the Right never misses a chance to go on the offensive.

        The Left in other parts of the industrialized world can be credited for universal healthcare, paternity leave, low-cost higher education and stuff like that.

        The Left in the US can be credited for fucking up pronouns.

        One is useful for getting working families what they need most to not just survive, but actually prosper. The other is just uselessly wasting everyone’s time and energy on pointless issues, and as such, it is no wonder that the Left in the US gets little support and even less respect.

          10 months ago

          Poll after poll has shown that the majority of people in the US support universal healthcare. Even the majority of Republicans! So, the problem isn’t that people are scared of universal healthcare. The problem is we aren’t organized.

            -110 months ago

            Spare me.

            We do the healthcare debate in this country about once a generation. It takes years for the situation to get so bad that people are so sick of things that they legitimately start demanding change. That’s one of the things that got Obama elected around 15 years ago. And all this talk about us demanding change and a better system vanished almost overnight when the debate actually started. All those people who weeks prior were all for some kind of universal coverage, all of a sudden they fell quiet as these people got cold feet. So just as the people who wanted change quieted down, at the same time you had right wing groups trying to scare people with accusations of “death panels” and a bunch of other pro-business bullshit. So in the end, Obama being the pragmatist that he was, settled for a much watered-down healthcare program that barely passed Congress.

            So pardon me whenever I hear this nonsense that “a majority of the US supports universal healthcare” all I can do is laugh because polls are utterly meaningless because the one time in recent history when we could have gone that route, we fell far short. And to be clear, I absolutely think we need universal healthcare, but I just know my fellow Americans say a whole lot of things in non-binding polls, but rarely follow-through with that when it comes to electing like-minded individuals.

              10 months ago

              Correct, and those things happened because the left wasn’t organized. We’re also easily divided by Democrat propaganda that demonizes leaders like Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, and Bernie Sanders.

        • tider06
          410 months ago

          The problem is that there is no true “Left” in America. The Democrats are a right wing political party when compared with international politics.

          The only difference between the 2 is that the Dems pretend to fight for human rights, though in actuality they DO very little. Mostly just talk, not mich action.

      910 months ago

      The number of powerful politicians on the left I can count on one hand.

      What you’re talking about isn’t cowardice. It’s complicity. They want Trump to be the nominee, because they think they can beat him. Worst case scenario, he wins, and they get to fundraise like hell and benefit from his tax cuts.

        110 months ago

        Trump being the nominee is indeed the best situation for Dems. No question about that, but he’s been making these type of deluded comments even when he was in office and Dems never went hard on the “he’s got dementia” angle in attacking him. I’m not talking about random folks like us online, but rather elected officials. They were (and are still) afraid of getting in the crosshairs of Trump.

      10 months ago

      He’s had a mental health exam. Remember “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV?”

      He bragged about how easy his Alzheimer’s test was. This is the organization that does the test he was referring to:

      MoCA empowers healthcare professionals and researchers to detect cognitive impairment related to

      Alzheimer’s disease

      Parkinson’s disease

      Huntington’s disease

      Lewy Body Dementia


      Fronto-temporal dementia

      210 months ago

      To be real, I’m kinda surprised the GOP hasn’t already done this, enough people already believe this especially on the right

        410 months ago

        They kind of have. Fox News is endlessly using the worst images and videos of Biden in their broadcasts. Some of them purposely altered.