Gee, I wonder how that happened?

    1 year ago

    Trump projects opinions as intentions so regularly, that he says the quiet things out loud.

    What he is saying: “I don’t want much of a democracy right now.”

    Additionally, history has repeated itself. That history. Yet Americans, bring propagandized, choose to not believe it:

      221 year ago

      I suspect it’s more about justification than wants.

      If he genuinely believes that America doesn’t actually have a democracy, then cheating to put himself in a position isn’t a subversion of democracy. If his opponents are unethical, then cheating and lying to best them isn’t unethical; it’s smart to beat them at their own game.

      Never underestimate a narcissists ability to twist objective reality to position themselves as good and just.

      • Yeah, this is 100% the reason for the rhetoric. It was all building up to “it’s okay if we cheat, because the Dems cheated first.”

        Reality doesn’t matter, as long as the conservative voters believe the big lie. Because when news inevitably breaks about massive Republican corruption, the Republican voters will be willing to overlook it. The lie is all meant to allow republicans to openly cheat, instead of having to hide it like they historically have.