Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin – the Russian mercenary leader whose plane crashed weeks after he led a mutiny against Moscow’s military leadership – shows what happens when people make deals with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

As Ukraine’s counteroffensive moves into a fourth month, with only modest gains to show so far, Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria he rejected suggestions it was time to negotiate peace with the Kremlin.

“When you want to have a compromise or a dialogue with somebody, you cannot do it with a liar,” Volodymyr Zelensky said.

    -110 months ago

    I would understand if at least 20% of the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel would be comprised of western volunteers talking about terrorists and no negotiations.

    But that is not a thing. So looks a bit ballsy, cause one would think that in a rather apocalyptic war on Ukraine’s soil, after they’ve reclaimed large swathes of territory, they’d be interested in some reduction of monthly casualties and rebuilding various capacities on that territory. Which a ceasefire would provide.

    I mean, even if you are right, you are eagerly advocating for spending mobilized Ukrainian lives on a costly offensive.

      1210 months ago

      what a ceasefire would provide

      Like the 2014 ceasefire? All it does is give Russia the opportunity to retrench and dig in. When the Ukrainians ask for a ceasefire, then I’ll support one.

        -110 months ago

        Like every ceasefire.

        I suppose right now Ukraine just wants some better guarantees while it has a strong negotiating position.

        So that it takes some effort from Putin to even be heard.

        Or maybe what Zelensky says is what he means, you can’t negotiate with a pathological liar (just like a few of Ukraine’s allies, though) who doesn’t know how to lose with dignity. Be it a person or a whole elite of some country, like Russia. I mean, emotionally I’ve met some and I’d agree. Just don’t know what it is rationally.

    • Grant_M
      710 months ago

      I’m only repeating what Ukrainians say. They know any concession with ruzzian terrorists now will only lead to ruzzian terrorists regrouping and reloading to perfom more genocide in a few months/years all over again. The fascist moscow regime needs to be stopped NOW.

        -410 months ago

        The word “genocide” means something else (which, in case of Turkey and China and even Yazidis in Syria, most of the world has problems recognizing).

        Yes, but Ukrainians need to regroup too.

        • Grant_M
          10 months ago

          Murdering, kidnapping and brainwashing Ukrainian children is genocide. Attempting to exterminate the Ukrainian people is genocide.

            -310 months ago

            Murdering, kidnapping and brainwashing Ukrainian children is genocide.

            Then we’ll have to introduce degrees of genocide.

            Attempting to exterminate the Ukrainian people is genocide.

            Which is not happening.

                10 months ago

                You don’t fucking know which things the words you use mean. And since you still dare voice your opinions on real world - blocking me is an important first step at stopping that.

                • Grant_M
                  310 months ago

                  Bye, moscovite. Your terrorist regime is about to meet the end.

                    10 months ago

                    Bye, moscovite.

                    What an ape FFS. Don’t say bye the third time.


                    I mean, you say “genocide” as if China is being sanctioned or punished for Xinjiang, and very little pressure would be required to make them stop, or Azerbaijan for Artsakh, and Azerbaijan is a bug to squash, one phone call would be enough, and Turkey itself mostly does all the things it does to pressure concessions, so they are ready to negotiate in every moment.

                    Ah, and Ukraine supports Azeri genocidal crimes in Artsakh, so fuck them.

                    Your country, if that’s US, doesn’t do anything about these. It cooperates with the criminal terrorist states I’ve mentioned. And yet you have the gall to throw the word “genocide” around about something which is war crimes, yes, and even sometimes acts of genocide, but that would mean that a Ukrainian life is worth more than an Armenian life, and I don’t agree. A Ukrainian life is worth more than your life, surely, but not more than an Armenian life.

                    Now, you can say that yes, these are all genocides much more real about which you don’t care, cause your side is of the perpetrators there.

      -410 months ago

      I would understand if at least 20% of the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel would be comprised of western volunteers talking about terrorists and no negotiations.

      Now do Russia. There must be more western volunteers on that side, I take it?