The reshuffle, thought to have been deftly managed by Sue Gray, made a shadow cabinet heavy with stalwarts from the Blair-Brown era

I don’t know about other people but I really was hoping for more than a sequel to the Blair years. I mean I get they need experience but the Tories are on the ropes, the Centrists in the party have had 13 years to come up with new ideas…

  • SbisasCostlyTurnover
    71 year ago

    I’ve been told that now is the time to get behind the leader and put old allegiances aside for the greater good. You know, just like the right of the party did during the Corbyn years.

      61 year ago

      Yeah! The Corbyn years, that was the time to do character assassinations, takedowns and infighting, didn’t you know? Squabbling with the leader is passé these days.