Alabama’s Republican attorney general said in a court filing that he has the right to prosecute people who make travel arrangements for pregnant women to have out-of-state abortions.

In a court filing Monday, attorneys for Attorney General Steve Marshall wrote that providing transportation for women in Alabama to leave the state to get an abortion could amount to a “criminal conspiracy.”

The court filing comes in response to lawsuits against Marshall that was filed in July from two women’s health centers and Yellowhammer Fund, an organization which says it provides “financial and practical support for those who are pregnant and require assistance.” The plaintiffs argue that Marshall violated their constitutional rights by publicly stating that organizations which help pregnant women in Alabama get an abortion out of state could be criminally investigated.

“Alabama can no more regulate out-of-state abortions than another state can deem its laws legalizing abortions to apply to Alabama,” the Yellowhammer Fund lawsuit argues.

  • regalia
    371 year ago

    Can we officially define republicans as not the party of small government?

    • TechyDad
      221 year ago

      Also not the party of personal responsibility or fiscal responsibility either.

      And they’re DEFINITELY not the “Party of Lincoln” anyone.

          1 year ago

          I think I was half asleep when I wrote that. I more or less meant the Republican party since the Southern Strategy.

          Edit: Thinking about it more, I think I skimmed over the “party of Lincoln” part entirely. As for the “party of small government” part, I think that idea started with Reagan, so yeah, I really do think they were never the party of small government.

        • The whole argument of states rights is 100% a loaf of bullshit.

          Anything you’ve heard other wise is a lie.

          The original argument was we believe in state’s rights…… to have slavery. That’s what republicans are saying when they use the states rights argument, they believe slavery should be legal.

          I’m not kidding. If you are republican you are literally a fucking racist pig. It’s not an exaggeration, it’s not debatable. Create another party if you think you are not a racist, sexist, xenophobic literal antichrist. The Republican Party is 100% all of these things.

          • “As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.”

            There’s no excuse. If you are a voting republican, you are responsible for the ongoing train wreck of rights your party has become.

          11 year ago

          Even harkening back to their third party days under Lincoln this isn’t true.