Electrical Trades Union boss Troy Gray says campaign to continue the activity will now expand

  • AutoTL;DRB
    310 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Victorian Labor MPs are set to be targeted by duck hunters and unions in an effort to stop the state government from acting on an inquiry’s recommendation to ban the activity.

    It comes as the upper house MP Sheena Watt, a member of the premier’s socialist left faction who is also on the select committee on Victoria’s recreational native bird hunting arrangements, “blindsided” Labor colleagues when she broke ranks to oppose a ban.

    If the government accepts the committee’s recommendation, it would bring Victoria into line with Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland, which have banned duck hunting.

    Alongside a ban, the committee recommended reserves used for duck hunting should be converted into parks with the purpose of providing “greater access to outdoor recreation for all Victorians, with appropriate investment in camping, boating and related infrastructure”.

    Watt broke ranks with Labor MPs to issue a minority report on Thursday, arguing the government does not have the “luxury of closing an entire industry that contributes so significantly to rural communities” during a cost-of-living crisis.

    During drafting of the report, Watt voted with Labor, the Animal Justice party MP Georgie Purcell and the Greens’ Katherine Copsey to recommend a complete ban on recreational duck hunting in 2024.

    The original article contains 683 words, the summary contains 206 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!