There’s this aura among certain people, usually the neurodivergent, where they believe that whatever is valued in their microcosm is what should be valued everywhere else. They think that any controversy is automatically solved in their favor. They get visibly upset whenever anything is successful that doesn’t align with their agenda. To them, it’s not about balance. It’s not about diversity or variety. It’s about attacking anyone who disagrees with them until… well, they don’t stop. It’s incessant. They will brow-beat and tantrum-throw until they get what they want.
These people need to be put back in line. They don’t actually care about the art they corrupt; most of them don’t even play the games they criticize. Instead, it’s about pushing their agenda and making sure anyone who goes against it is silenced (censored.)
It’s up to us, the regular people, to see things for what they are. They will try to drag us down rabbit holes. Their entire goal in life is to make people losers like them so they don’t feel so bad about being failures. You know, misery loves company and all that.
It’s sad this is what happened to the digital sphere. It’s shown me that the slippery slope isn’t a fallacy when applied to people with an agenda. They never wanted “equality.” They always wanted superiority. “Equality” was just a guise they hid under to gain legitimacy, and now that they have it they aren’t stopping.
Glad I didn’t waste my money on this hamstrung garbage. I’m glad old games still hold up to this day and are better than most of the trite put out by modern “developers.” Really puts into perspective who the good artists are, and who just wants to corrupt other people’s art for their own gain.
It’s fine to have gay representation. Even trans representation is acceptable. The problem is that these people want it to be “preferable” to play the game as a gay or transperson. It’s why they praise queer characters but shun any attractive females. They want sex only to sell to “their” people and no one else. It’s an agenda, but thankfully it hasn’t been too successful in changing the landscape.
While it’s unfortunate we get these bad games instead of good ones, I’m glad they’re being panned accordingly for the drivel that they are.
Dragon Age: Origins is still one of my favorite game of all time. Really wish we could’ve had a whole series of them, but oh well. At least we got shit.
Edit: The responses to this were to be expected, and of course do not change my views at all. Instead, I think it’s very telling of human psychology. Just as with marijuana users who are fine with banning tobacco and other drugs because it’s not the drugs “they” use, we see people who have historically been marginalized and belittled fine with marginalizing and belittling others. It really is bigger than the topic at hand. This is an aspect of most people’s personas that they have no shame in and make no attempts to overcome.
it’s sad. Most people really are shit and enjoy hating others for liking different things.
Right. Trump was specifically talking about Dragon Age and Mass Effect when he said those things.
He was specifically referring to diluting art to appease people like you and he thinks there’s no good romance options for straight males in Dragon Age anymore.
Lol. Glad we could have this talk.
I guess if I’m against the removal of good romance options for straight males in video games, then I must be allied with trump in your mind. I genuinely believe this is how delusional you have become.
I never said that.
How is it diluting art? I’d genuinely appreciate how you think that is the case, do only straight white men make art?
How are there “no good romance options”? Are there 0 hetero options in Dragon Age?
What makes a “good romance options?” Are you unable to pretend, or not care like others have for decades?
I’m glad you asked! They are diluting art because creators are de-facto barred from including options in their games that appeal to straight males. Options such as Morrigan. You people say you get upset over ‘constantly’ hearing complaints like mine, but what about the constant complaints over characters like Morrigan and even Quiet from MGS5?
I guess you don’t care about those complaints because you don’t actually want equality. You want superiority.
This has a knock-on effect where once their hands are tied in one aspect to avoid “offending” the “wrong” people, they become crippled in other parts such as gore and gameplay. It becomes an effort to streamline and homogenize as much as possible so we end up with the same “safe” art every time.
Without getting too much into the subjectiveness of this, I hope that using Morrigan as an example and comparing her to the current options should highlight what I’m talking about (unless you want to be willfully ignorant.) Leilana could be a better example, but that’s depending on how you see it ;)
Inquisition had 1 decent romance option in my mind, and it was locked behind DLC. (this is for me, personally.) People like to rave about Cassandra, but she’s kind of a word I’m not allowed to use here without getting censored. Not that that’s a bad thing, (well, the censorship is), but she does not have comparable appeal to that of Morrigan, Leilana, or even the elf option from DA2 (I forget her name.)
Well, it’s a pretty big appeal for a game like Dragon Age or Mass Effect that expects me to insert myself into the world. It’s very disingenuous for you to even be making this argument against me. I could’ve said the same thing to people wanting more queer romance options, and you’d call me a bigot before censoring me.
So what you’re saying is this is how you feel, because it’s not real, video games makers are still making characters that appeal visually to straight males. And no one is stopping them from making scantily clad women in games.
I’ve looked at your examples of characters and there is nothing wrong or unrealistic about their design.
It’s not disingenuous, it’s a very real fact that for years there was 0 option for people in the queer community to have any form or representation in games. You argument is a false equivalence, because it’s only been recent that they’ve had representation.
You want scantily clad women to romance in a video game, that’s fine you do you. Others want realistic examples of humans, that is fine too. It doesn’t ruin a game, or immersion to have human looking characters in a game. Maybe it ruins YOUR immersion, but that’s on you, feel free to mod your games, the sex appeal of a character might be important for you, but to blame diversity of character on sjw “ruining” a game is disingenuous.
They’re not making them at bioware anymore, which is what this thread is about.
It’s disingenuous because when they had no option, people can and did tell them “not to care” like you’re telling me “not to care” right now when I don’t have options. You’re being a hypocrite and it’s to be expected. Sad watching you double-down on it though, but again it’s to be expected.
Yeah. People make the same arguments about queers wanting more options in games. We call them bigots and censor them though. Funny watching how quickly you resort to their tactics when it suits your agenda.
It’s not diversity of character. It’s a lack of diversity. Options are being removed because they “offend the wrong people,” i.e. people who throw fits at the idea of a character like Morrigan as a part of their “social justice war.”
That is entirely subjective, it’s how you feel, it’s not a “fact”
It is disingenuous because they are in a minority position, and including options that appeal to them doesn’t take away from there being female characters you can romance, even though they aren’t attractive to your tastes, it’s subjective. I’m not being a hypocrite, you argued a false equivalence.
No there are still women character for you to romance that was never taken away you just don’t find them attractive. Again you’re comparing apples and oranges here.
Again subjective options aren’t being “removed” you could easily argue they are being added, by diversifying their characters, and by making them realistic.
Thanks for proving my point. I know you will never stop until I do, so I’m going to ignore you now and move on.
You’re never going to admit you don’t want equality, because that gets in the way of your quest for superiority.
Goodbye. I’m sorry you think it’s okay to be like those who argue against queer representation in video games, but I honestly can’t expect more from you people at this point.
You may have the last word.
Who said that?
I’m arguing for equality
I’m not though. Curious as to what “you people” refer to.
I was genuinely trying to have a good faith argument with you. I’m sorry you couldn’t see that. All the best to you!