Spread this OC far and wide.

  • Nora
    161 year ago

    Can we just get here already, these memes are nice, but where are the actual guillotines?

      • God I’m so sick of this take.

        We’re not anti second amendment we’re anti idiots with guns.

        If you can’t pass a background check or a psychological evaluation you shouldn’t own a gun.

        “bUt CrImInAlS-” shut the fuck up. Yeah criminals will still get guns but it’ll be a lot fucking harder for them to obtain them.

        • @SupraMario@lemmy.world
          -31 year ago

          Who’s giving the psy eval? Is it Jim Bob from the county who hates blacks and LGBTQ+? So he denies all those applications and allows just his white friends to get firearms?

          And no it will not make it harder for them to get firearms. There are 450+ million of them get over it.

        • Meaning now the state gets to dictate who gets to have weapons, making violent revolution impossible.

          The police are full of right wingers. What makes you think they won’t simply label all left-wingers as mentally ill, deny you access to weapons and then kill you all?

          This is gonna be a bitter pill for you to swallow, but protecting people’s basic human rights is more important than lowering gun deaths. And you refuse to accept that at your own peril.

          • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
            31 year ago

            An idiot with a gun isn’t going to help with any of that.

            They will rather make it worse.

            Stop allowing crazy people access to offensive weapons.

            • A dedicated group of marginalized people with guns will, though, and that is what gun bans – I’m not gonna let you lie and ca it gun control anymore – is intended to prevent.

              Stop trying to force me to submit to your opinion.

              You’re not in the real world where you can shout and use violence, and bold text does not substitute for that

              • Cethin
                1 year ago

                Do we have car bans (for the general populace, not people who were banned because they committed a crime) because you have to be licensed to use one?

                • Do I waste my time arguing about gun control to someone who is clearly not listening and who clearly only cares about themself and their political cause at the expense of reality, human rights and human life?

                  • Cethin
                    11 year ago

                    At the expense of human life? Wtf? Allowing everyone to have guns protects human life?

                    Human rights? No. Constitutional rights? Maybe, but debatable. Ownership of firearms is not a recognized human right anywhere.

                    We require car licenses because they’re dangerous to operate, even if you almost require them to live. We don’t consider this banning them, and we hardly consider it an inconvenience.

                    We don’t require firearm licenses despite them also being dangerous but serving no practical purpose for 99% of the population. Somehow instituting any kind of licensing is called a ban by people like you. I don’t understand. Please explain.

                    I’m listening perfectly well. I don’t think the issue of paying attention is on my end.

      • Cethin
        1 year ago

        I love firearms. They’re fun. However, they’re also dangerous, to yourself and others. I believe there should be requirements for background checks, mental health evaluations, and also mandatory training in the operation, maintaince, storage (1776 is not a good combination, and firearms are the most stolen items), and transportation of your firearm, as well as training on the legality of its usage, all of which is tested and must be passed. This should probably be funded with taxes as well, to ensure poor people aren’t deprived of their rights.

        To claim this position is “anti-2A” is disingenuous at best. Hell, the 2A is written in a way that I don’t think it applies anymore (the protection of a free State does not require a well regulated militia if we have a standing professional military, which wasn’t expected to be a thing at the time), but I still think firearm ownership shouldn’t be banned. It should be regulated, like car ownership is which is almost required to live life in the US and is designed for transportation, not killing things.