Self watering pots have a lot of downsides, but I find myself with several decorative plastic ones that I want to find a use for. What sort of plants thrive in these pots? What have you had luck with?

  • @oolong
    410 months ago

    I think they’re convenient for hanging plants, but with most of my plants I’m more concerned about overwatering than underwatering so they’re not ideal.

    My calathea is the only plant I’d say truly thrives in a self-watering pot. I have a few others in self-watering pots- philodendrons, alocasias, aglaonemas- that are varying levels of ambivalent about their pots. I need to be careful not to leave them too wet and will likely be repotting them into normal draining pots.

    • Cows Look Like Maps
      110 months ago

      How often do you have to water your calathea in the self-watering pot vs a regular one?

      • @oolong
        210 months ago

        About every other week with the self-watering pot, whereas it’d be weekly in a normal pot!