Not necessarily. A 500 response means internal server error and could be anything. Returning a 500 doesn’t indicate any protections just that there was a server error. I guess that it returned anything would mean the server is still running but it takes time to delete everything
I’m sure you could make it more general by traversing through /usr/libs and back but I don’t know the most common denominator for all Linux distributions and am too lazy to check.
Almost but not quite.
Not necessarily. A 500 response means internal server error and could be anything. Returning a 500 doesn’t indicate any protections just that there was a server error. I guess that it returned anything would mean the server is still running but it takes time to delete everything
That path resolves to / by the way (provided every folder exists) but ChatGPT is unable to parse it.
How does this work? I tried to cd with … in bash and it doesn’t seem to work. And what would be the point of the single dots in there?
Wouldn’t that path only resolve if those intermediate directories exist? I thought bash had to crawl the path to resolve it
Yeah, that’s what I meant with folders.
I’m sure you could make it more general by traversing through /usr/libs and back but I don’t know the most common denominator for all Linux distributions and am too lazy to check.
Dammit so we can’t stop Skynet!
Skynet’s existence is contingent on the Terminator movies remaining profitable, so Dark Fate’s performance might have averted Judgment Day.
Unplug it?