Most of the time when people say they have an unpopular opinion, it turns out it’s actually pretty popular.

Do you have some that’s really unpopular and most likely will get you downvoted?

  • Rikudou_SageOPA
    71 year ago

    While that’s true, gender norms has shifted due to the society progressing. Women no longer need to be baby factories and men don’t need to be emotionless food-providing machines.

    There might come a time where those gender norms will be needed again for the survival of our species (like something apocalyptic that wipes most of us out), but until that happens, why shouldn’t women enjoy doing whatever they want because the society can support them?

    It’s not that your premise is wrong, your conclusion is.

      01 year ago

      No his premise is wrong as are your examples. Men have never had to be emotionless providers. Ever. And women have not historically been baby factories. All throughout human history across tons of cultures men and women have served various purposes in society. Women only being birth machines is a result of patriarchal society influence from Europe during only a certain time period.