Pretty much in the title, the only time I interact with the windows key in its standard operating condition is getting pissed off that the start menu opened. I use it in other capacities such as taking screen shots and other key commands but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.

Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.

Edit: I am more curious if anyone actually gets utility out of its default behavior (opening the start menu). I am aware that it is used in a number of key commands (although some are new to me).

  • oo1
    5 months ago

    nope - but the start menu has been dogshit for years now, so I try to avoid start menu as much as possible- I use pinned icons and a few desktop shortcuts.

    I mostly use win key fo:

    • win+D
    • win+E
    • win + arrow
    • win+shift+S
    • win+R
    • ctrl+shift +win+B (dodgy usb-c port replicator needs to be slapped every now and again)
    • win+L , i probly use that less than ctrl alt del to lock.