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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • Paypal absolutely, but honey does not. Investigation by megalag showed that it purposefully did not give the best experience in terms of coupone codes, if any at all, and experience from users seem to confirm that honey does not try to provide any real service, only scam customers, creators and shops. Paypal as a company should be held responsible

  • Most tech companies do evil stuff that are technically allowed although immoral, and they still bring some benefit in some way. What honey did was not only immoral, but most likely illegal, and screwed literally everyone. At least amazon and google have horrific monopolies, but they bring useful products (in some way).

  • We had a small animatronic monkey toy, similar to this one below, but in a sitting position snd with deep black eyes. We didn’t play with it (try to imagine why) so it was on the top shelf of the room.

    When we used the A/C in the hot summer, because it was high in the room, its face was slightly lit, and because in the resting position the head of the monkey looked at his side and below, it would end up looking at me while I was sleeping, barely lit by a status LED.

    It actually didn’t bother me always, but if I woke up from a nightmare it was the first thing I saw and usually meant not going back to sleep.

    Bonus: I also hated mirrors. When going to the bathroom in the night, while cleaning my hands I was terrified of looking down from the mirror and look up back to it, I always imagined some horror creature like a ghost, or the girl from The Ring to happear behind my shoulders.