It’s been close since 2017. We’re the closest to midnight we’ve ever been since it’s inception.
It’s been close since 2017. We’re the closest to midnight we’ve ever been since it’s inception.
Older millennial here. I don’t use TT because it’s old hat and it doesn’t interest me at all. Wasn’t into Vine, not into TT.
Also, there’s so many reposts on Lemmy and from my friends that I’ve never needed to download it.
I think it’s not that I’m refusing to use it, it’s more like I’ve never needed to in order to function and enjoy life.
Probably same reason for Boomers.
I read about this as part of my work. I’ve found that it’s more to do with the intensity and closeness of the screen relative to your eyes, i.e. the amount of brightness that reaches your eyes. Even bright red light can keep you awake for a bit longer.
It’s also got more to do with your quality of sleep rather than whether or not you get to sleep.
I am a victim of sexual assault and, yes, I would absolutely say that. My problems are my own and I’m not about to force others to cater to my personal demons.
Sounds like you might be from the US or somewhere where medical help isn’t freely available. I deal with my trauma with medication and counselors/psychiatrists so that I can function and contribute to society because that’s the standard that I hold for others, especially myself.
I think you’ve completely misunderstood what everyone is saying because that’s exactly what everyone you’ve responded to, including myself, is saying that they would do.
Tailor their words for that conversation but move on to a different group of people from there. Not permanently tailoring the way they speak because it is highly unlikely that they’ll engage again.
Of course I would stop at their request, however if I were that person with PTSD, I wouldn’t expect the world to cater to my disabilities and strategise on how I could function in society by managing it. That’s what I currently do with my own PTSD and it makes me a stronger person for it.
Also, that’s hardly comparable to using the phrase “you guys” in a conversation. That phrase has always been gender neutral and far nicer sounding than “you people” or “you all”.
Edit: and also, yes I would have no idea on why the other party would take offence to the phrase “you guys” but I would also be under no obligation to establish a friendship with them beyond that conversation. I don’t expect someone I’ve just met to trauma dump on me and I don’t want them to.
Of course, I would correct myself in that conversation and not use the phrase “you guys” after they’ve told me not to use it, because it’s polite to do so, but that won’t stop me feeling that I can’t be myself around them.
I think it’s more that if you get annoyed at something like that, I would think you’re way too much of a hassle to be friends with long term. It’s just a matter of compatibility and the choice to filter out incompatible people in your social circle. It’s nothing personal.
Hang on. Where I’m Australia have cops been called on kids walking around the neighbourhood? The kids around my neighbourhood go around on their bicycles, skateboard and play in the parks. A few of them graffiti and others put up ads to walk dogs for a fee.
That said, this law is dumb. Australia is so hostile to the tech industry.
People do - through tax but the rich divert the funds through policy using laws that they’ve shaped to benefit themselves rather than the nation.
Honestly, if anyone has a chance of murdering the rich and setting a precedent of self defence over social murder, it’s another rich who can afford an excellent lawyer to see out the lengthy court case.
It was a pain in the ass unless you played everyday. Playing with friends was tiresome because you’d have to do the same boss battles over and over. Diablo was great because of the horror and the levels got more twisted as you went deeper. There was also the secret cow level.
Now, it’s open world and a bit soulless because it caters to always online. Art direction was great in D4 but I got so sick of the 40Gb updates everytime I booted up the game every few weeks. Just give me a one and done solo offline story mode and separate online.
Yep, they were moving into Africa years ago. I remember being there in 2012 and the locals were complaining that China was buying out all the mines and contract jobs.
I’m genuinely curious; which places have you travelled to outside of the US?
I get what you’re saying but, respectfully, I think you’re incorrect. The field of science is not about capitalism but the goal of understanding everything around you. Aqueducts were not the result of capitalism. Russia won the space race. Innovations happen regardless. Capitalism drives innovation in specific directions.
Without capitalism, we’d all have the ability to swap out parts and create a phone for the purposes that we need. Some people want the best while others want the minimum, and most want something in between. Every part would be replaceable.
With capitalism, we have planned obsolescence without the ability to repair or replace parts and every conceivable thing to reap more money off us and force us to continually consume.
I’m from Australia and there are no BA(Physics) here, only BS(Physics) and you can only call yourself an engineer if you have the right degree, approved by engineers Australia and/or IEEE. Having the title of engineer here is similar to the medical doctor title.
Edit: Though the tone of your response makes sense to me now that I think of it. My husband’s company recently hired a senior software engineer from the states and he’s turned out to be no better than the local engineering graduates despite having over 20 years experience.
No, but it’s meant for understanding a topic at a broad level so you can communicate about said topic. It’s different from a Bachelor of science which delves more deeply into the topic and you can certainly call yourself an engineer with this kind of degree. You cannot call yourself an engineer or a scientist with a Bachelor of Arts (physics).
Not a physics degree but an arts degree in physics. He doesn’t know shit.
Yep, stopped probably 7 years ago when we moved into our place and cut the antenna cable. We pretty much watch political commentators on YouTube and the odd movie on stream, as well as whatever’s in our DVD collection.
I use it A LOT for work. Basically looking for real life images of the lighting application that I’m designing for to convey the intent to the client in a visual way.
I might also use it for art inspiration but not often.
Peak gaslighting