yeah fine whatever. Let’s both unclench our anuses I got things to do
yeah fine whatever. Let’s both unclench our anuses I got things to do
Meh you’re a coward anyway. You hate violence unless the violence is externalized in the middle east. That’s the whole choice you’re getting. Violence at home or violence abroad.
Whatever. As I told you, vote for whever you see fits.
If I ever have to choose between my country’s safety and americans civilians dying, I will vote for the former. Like you did.
Are you not? I throught you guys were a democracy or something
I dont want to harm you.
That being said, if you are throwing foreigners under the trolley by voting for litteral genociders, if you refuse to show solidarity with palestinians, well, if there’s ever a time where you need us for solidarity, you can get stuffed.
If Trump passes, really do start to do mass killing, and we can take american refugees, I will vote against it. Enjoy the consequences of your own actions.
I’m being called a russian troll all the time, idiot.
You guys have been throwing fascist coup all around the world for the last 50 years.
Fuck around find out lmao
It’s called a figure of speech, dumbass
Especially american kids.
That’s what you get for being a genocide apologist.
Beside, come on, I do not think you are a genuine person. You are an actor, paid to propagandize so the dems don’t have to pay for their crime. 5 years of immunity will do wonder for that genocide trail.
You don’t have kids yet :)
What? The liberals were paying for genocide in the 30ies?
Shut up lmao
You guys are spamming the whole internet with your election bullcrap, idiot.
The average yank (or yank-adjacent, you’re just a brit colony too, dont flatter yourself) is saying behaving like an adult means voting for genocider.
You can shove your adultness into your butthole. Civility is a tool of the oppressor.
Nah go fuck yourself. You are a sad, heartless person. Fucking die.
Nobody want your retarded ass in their backyard. Stay in america and fix your goddamn country
I hope your daughters gets drafted to the middle east and shot ahah. Stupid scum
That’s easy when you dont give a shit.