They werent coming back anyways.fuckem
They werent coming back anyways.fuckem
By the 1930s, the new Nazi government needed that technology — and recruited IBM for the job. Tabulating machines made tracking lines of Jewish descent possible, even if a German citizen’s family had married out of the religion or converted generations ago.
I dont agree with hate even 1% but some of the companies are the pot calling thee kettle black
By the 1930s, the new Nazi government needed that technology — and recruited IBM for the job. Tabulating machines made tracking lines of Jewish descent possible, even if a German citizen’s family had married out of the religion or converted generations ago.
or they dont want the press to get hurt where the fighting is happening
uh huh. didnt they say that about this last summer? this is getting old
theres offices and tunnels under a lot of the hospitals. either people arent paying attention or their purposely ignoring facts
PLEASE !! the media has been doing nothing but spread negative about him… what the hell are you talking about?
LOL do they actually think he has a chance to win??
Im sure Hamas wasnt among them
and they lose $13. its a no win situation :/
ooohh …guess you burned me good job
LOL. someone is reaching
you my friend are part of the reason outbreaks happen