What they promise: intelligence systems, revolutionary agent which can take over tasks!
What we get: https://youtu.be/izazdBpraC8
What they promise: intelligence systems, revolutionary agent which can take over tasks!
What we get: https://youtu.be/izazdBpraC8
It isn’t just Kirkegaards shitrag btw, a while back some other race and IQ like paper who tried to prove that people didn’t all come from Africa or something had calculations which assumed the earth was flat. (prob not because they are flat earthers, but because they didn’t get the math).
Btw, on the really low IQ scores thing, this is an average. So if the bellcurve holds, this means there is a large amount of people in Africa with a sub 60 IQ. All of whom seemingly can function normally without needing assistance. Which means that either the measure is useless (and all these people with an IQ of 30 are doing fine (and in Nigeria are using the internet to scam IQ 130 westerners), and variants in IQ are meaningless (sorry to the 130+ average SSC reader), or the measurements are wrong (and also useless). Also, due to the bellcurve, university level IQ people from Africa should be so rare there is also just a handful of them. Which, considering we had a group of students from Africa (forgot which countries sorry) means I met all of them. (E: of course the supposed bell curve distribution of intelligence also doesn’t hold if you look at this graph and notice that there simply are no 140 IQ countries while there are 60 ones).
To me it doesn’t pass the sniff test, which makes me feel sorry for Scott, after all the extreme precautions he took to not get covid, it still blasted away his sense of smell.
Btw, I love that China always has higher than average IQ, wonder if somebody there went ‘well this seems important to the capitalistpigdogs, lets give them a little bit higher average than they have numbers, just to fuck with them’.
There is a computer scientists who reads that posts and looks back at his 40 year long career in writing formal logic systems and he is now crying.
As the underlying tech seems to be based on neural networks, we can guarantee they are not thinking like this at all and are just writing fanfiction. (I love the ‘did I miscount’ step, for the love of god LLM, just use std::count).
Sorry I and some others missed this post talking about the tweet so we have two top level ones atm. My more sensational post about the subject got a bit more attention. So you were not late but early.
Im gonna build a special circle in hell for these people, together with the ‘yes’ or ‘ask me again later’ people. On this circle all the software your stack depends on will break your build and releases a new release every friday at 5. Whohahhahah
It remains one of those small !!fun!! facts that while Marxbro got permad for being annoying and correct about Marx, Sailer only got a temp ban while being wrong, racist but nice (he has been banned at least once, but racists play by the Tusken Raider rules if not permad)
isn’t it racist / dumb to say they have 60 IQ?
no according to Kirkegaard
Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (pause to catch breath) uh.
A well at least the mask is totally off now.
E: and a thing that has been bothering me, it is quite fucked up for somebody with Scotts education to go along with this argument about disabled people that easily.
(Not that this is the first time he forgets he has an official education, and cant just ignore that (yes im still mad about the time he said “well she had mental health issues and was a liar” or something about the woman who tragically ended her life after accusing parts of the community of sexual abuse, and didnt mention that a reputation like that would increase the risk of abuse)).
That isn’t a bonus. He is always in the comments. <include OkayButThatsWorseYouDoGetHowThatsWorseRight.gif>
Some news on the people who own/run protonmail. They are pro Trump
I have not read it in ages, but did hear somebody has written something (not sure if book or play or etc) of the book from Julias perspective.
Welcome to the dropping the crypto, going openly neoreactionary (*) californian tech bro era.
(*: I don’t know if they are neoreactionary, but that is the dumbest ideology I could easily link them too)
Like every other ‘charity’, rent a room at some super expensive hotel, hire the most expensive cooks and give all your potential donors a free invite, and massive gifts.
Crying in LW
It was a stately home goddammit! Stop weakmanning meeeeeeeeee
The opening statement is also quite silly already (and makes me belief in a companion to the dead internet theory, the dementia internet theory, as I was sure we have had conversations like this as ‘the internet’ already, Zuck turning manospherian all of a sudden also makes me thing this (same with the fight over H-1B on the US right, they had that in 2018 already, Trump likes H-1B)).
We had the whole ‘they act like they are morally superior’ discussion already a lot, and that was about vegans. Only one problem, they are morally superior on almost all ethical/moral/ideological systems you can think of. Sure hedonists, stoics (who are not allowed to complain), sadists, accelerationist extinctionists, ironic nihilistic status quo pushing postmodernists, all disagree they are superior morally but who cares about the opinion of those people. Sure some of them might be annoying to people, but annoying people can be morally superior.
His statements about how politically correctness comes from the 80’s is also wrong (it predates that, and has quite a complex history of being used by various different groups for different meanings), but at that moment I knew I was going to be wasting my time reading this as I would disagree with every paragraph. (as I have seen these types of articles before, they were popular a decade ago or so).
E2: Whoops that edit should have been on a different post. E3: bonus content: Two articles sneering at Paul, Paul Graham and the Cult of the Founder and Paul Graham, proto-techbro..
With risk of falling into the ‘classify people into two binary groups’ thing which I have often criticized the Rationalist for. Move over jock vs nerd. There is Jock vs Creep.
Considering popes, priests in general, politicians etc are usually male (historically) i have a feeling these quotes also exclude some groups from being moral enforcers.
It also neatly ignores social pressures, which provides good reasons for women being into certain types of ‘moral enforcement’. Either because ‘it is their duty to protect the kids’ or the revolutionary idea that people are all people and should have equal rites, bodily autonomy, a political voice etc.
But nope: “me and the boys agree, this wokeness stuff is for girls”.
This all makes me wonder, we know he has proofreaders who help him. Did he either get rid of all the people who disagree with him, or did they give up, as some people dont want understand the other side they just want to argue their forever cause they believe they are correct (so disagreement is a massive waste of time).
Thanks to Sam Altman, Ben Miller, Daniel Gackle, Robin Hanson, Jessica Livingston, Greg Lukianoff, Harj Taggar, Garry Tan, and Tim Urban for reading drafts of this. [emph mine, the names that really jumped out to me]
Ah. Also 1 name which jumps out to me as prob a woman. Let me google her. Ah right. His wife, and co-founder.
It was all a long time ago. In the time of myth and legend. When the mastodons roamed reddit.