Kathy Berden, 70, of Snover
William (Hank) Choate, 72, of Cement City
Amy Facchinello, 55, of Grand Blanc
Clifford Frost, 75, of Warren
Stanley Grot, 71, of Shelby Township
John Haggard, 82, of Charlevoix
Mary-Ann Henry, 65, of Brighton
Timothy King, 56, of Ypsilanti
Michele Lundgren, 73, of Detroit
Meshawn Maddock, 55, of Milford
James Renner, 76, of Lansing
Mayra Rodriguez, 64, of Grosse Pointe Farms
Rose Rook, 81, of Paw Paw
Marian Sheridan, 69, of West Bloomfield
Ken Thompson, 68, of Orleans
Kent Vanderwood, 69, of Wyoming
That’s actually an interesting idea. For high crimes committed by the elderly, sentence them to be de-memorialized. Their remains are interred only in a space-efficient public cemetery. They get no headstone, just a small post in the ground with a number on it to mark where they were buried, surrounded by hundreds of other posts.
Every year, the family of the deceased must pay a fee to maintain the site, or else the remains will be disinterred and disposed of so the plot can be recycled.
For the elderly criminal, they die knowing that they will either be forgotten by relatives who don’t care about them, or burdening their relatives who do care about them with annual fees.
I’m assuming people can still visit in this scenario. They just get a number on the headstone instead of the name. The family can be told that #37281 is grandpa and they can visit, and if they care enough to visit and keep the plot, that might encourage them to pay for what essentially amounts to financial compensation for grandpa’s crimes.
In cases such as this it would be amazing to bar them from having funerals.
“You’re too old to sit in a cell, so we’re just not going to ever lay you to rest”
Maybe it would help these criminals think about ramifications before committing their heinous offenses.
Oh come now, we have much worse punishments: they’re now under conservatorship, by Britney Spears dad and are on their way to the cheapest old folks home in their state. They’re “technology safe” so they can’t access the internet for their own personal safety…
Ya know, old folks prison, where poor people go after their family forgets about them and they die of neglect.
If you catch them ripe then they are a seedy soft banana with a different flavor. It’s so soft that the best way to eat it is with a spoon using the peel as a bowl.
But they have a very short window of ripeness, there’s a reason that they’re not commercially grown and it’s generally because of the short ripeness window and they’re easy to bruise during transport.
If you’ve got the space and the time go for it, it’s a fun little conversation starter to give family, neighbors, & coworkers something that they may not know grows right in their back woodlot.
Probably not a great age to be starting a fourteen year prison sentence at, but they should have thought about that before trying to overthrow our democracy I guess
To be fair the first two generations in this meme were raging alcoholics who beat the shit out of their kids and wives. Oh and the whole racists as fuck part.
This same generation kept repeating shit like “don’t believe everything you read on the internet” back in the dial up days. Good advice I took to heart.
Now my own mother believes AOC wants to ban cows because they fart a lot.
I am pretty disappointed in the Gen X generation. I really thought we were going to be a lot more open minded and accepting of people than we have turned out to be.
Think of all the people you’ve known who were open minded and accepting and how small the number of them seemed compared to the majority when we were growing up. Know that a lot of those people probably went on to inspire those qualities in others and raise their kids to value those things. I’ve seen mainstream society come a long way from my childhood in the 80s and teens in the 90s.
I agree, I had a lot more hope for Gen X but we were up against the juggernaut of the boomer voting bloc. As those selfish fucks age out we’re finally looking at the possibility of righting the ship.
I agree that we have come a LONG way. I was in the first generation of ravers. I am aghast at some of my fellow old ravers and how they scorn the LGBQT community considering they were that their bars were often the only place we were offered safety and respect. The motto these guys wore on their sleeves was PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect, but now they are SLUR.
A surprising number of ravers compared to my other social circles have gone full conspiracy, MAGA cult, qANON. IMO it attracted a good number of contrarians, counter culture, anti government types in the first place and they were bound to get roped into something like this. I thought hare krishna type things, but boy was I wrong!
I realized that the other day. My brother is gen z, and when I felt him out on lgbt issues (he’s been raised in a very conservative bubble), he just doesn’t care.
Then I realized - millennials were raised by gen x. I got a lot of ideas shoved in my head growing that took some time to unravel after I started to examine if my beliefs matched my morals… I just assumed he’d be in a similar position. But he’s been taught by millennials and seen it in the media, he never learned those hang ups I had to get past
This weekend it hit me - Gen x is driving force behind all of this body autonomy bullshit
A lot of millennials were still raised by boomers. If you’re an early to mid millennial, you’re probably more likely to have been raised by boomers than gen X-ers, since the oldest gen X-ers would have only been like 15 years old at the start of the millennial generation.
In 1988 (the midpoint year for millennials), the average age of someone having their first child was 27, so most kids born that year were born to late boomers. Only towards the 90’s, the last third of millennials, would you start seeing more Gen X parents than boomers.
And if you were a second or third child in the millennial generation, your parents were more likely to be boomers than not, too.
I blame dementia. I have a parent that’s still a Trump supporter. It’s as if they’ve lost the ability to use reason. I am pretty sure Trump could shoot them in the face and they’d still vote for/support him.
Without looking, something like ppl born before 1980 or so. I really hope so, the following Gen (mine) isn’t as hot as I’d like but hoping for the best.
He said in 2015 that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and people would still love him. One thing I will say is that Trump realized he could easily grift people like your parent. I am sorry, BTW. It sucks.
Can’t wait to see it all play out. You just know these people won’t accept responsibility and will blame others for their actions. I swear if they were 16-17 I wouldn’t be surprised but GOD DAMN, they’re all over 55 with 2 being over 80.
No living wage, no money for education, no money for health care, working three jobs to survive, and the world temperature and scarcity of housing are accelerating…
It’s not the end results needed, but it is a step on the path needed.
No, it isn’t.
It’s nothing. This will change nothing, as evidenced by the fact that even when Trump is performatively “arrested” there’s never handcuffs of a mugshot.
I’m just years past pretending this is consequential, given that no one will go after any of the big fish in the pond. Can’t pretend we’re winning when we’re a year removed from reelecting a twice-impeached fascist.
There are about to be 3 independent indictments against trump. So they are going after the big fish here. No I understand your cynicism there until we actually see him get jail time and shows up for booking.
the fact that even when Trump is performatively “arrested” there’s never handcuffs of a mugshot.
What do you think the point of handcuffs and a mugshot are? He wasn’t at risk of being violent or arrested for a violent crime. Mugshots are for record keeping and identity purposes, but there is no need for that when the suspect is one of the most photographed people on the entire planet. Handcuffs and mugshots are not some weird way to humiliate people.
lol it’s all boomers and cusp Gen X/boomer
Sadly, they’ll all be found guilty but too old and white to actually go to prison for their crimes.
Beat me to it. This is exactly what I think will happen.
In cases such as this it would be amazing to bar them from having funerals.
“You’re too old to sit in a cell, so we’re just not going to ever lay you to rest”
Maybe it would help these criminals think about ramifications before committing their heinous offenses.
That’s actually an interesting idea. For high crimes committed by the elderly, sentence them to be de-memorialized. Their remains are interred only in a space-efficient public cemetery. They get no headstone, just a small post in the ground with a number on it to mark where they were buried, surrounded by hundreds of other posts.
Every year, the family of the deceased must pay a fee to maintain the site, or else the remains will be disinterred and disposed of so the plot can be recycled.
For the elderly criminal, they die knowing that they will either be forgotten by relatives who don’t care about them, or burdening their relatives who do care about them with annual fees.
That’s basically a prison graveyard, they’re on prison property and no one can visit…
I’m assuming people can still visit in this scenario. They just get a number on the headstone instead of the name. The family can be told that #37281 is grandpa and they can visit, and if they care enough to visit and keep the plot, that might encourage them to pay for what essentially amounts to financial compensation for grandpa’s crimes.
Oh come now, we have much worse punishments: they’re now under conservatorship, by Britney Spears dad and are on their way to the cheapest old folks home in their state. They’re “technology safe” so they can’t access the internet for their own personal safety…
Ya know, old folks prison, where poor people go after their family forgets about them and they die of neglect.
All cocksuckers on Medicare and social security and probably bitching about socialism.
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Please tell me that is a real place
Lollll your eyes do not deceive you: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Paw+Paw,+MI+49079/@42.2029794,-85.9141649,13z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8817402b8757f4d9:0x591a5245dbb45a30!8m2!3d42.2178171!4d-85.8911246!16zL20vMHZyOGI
“Paw Paw is named for the pawpaw trees which once grew along the Paw Paw River,” and those trees probably got their name from British people trying to say “papaya”
Damn someone was just telling me I should plant paw paw trees the other day. Good fruit I guess?
If you catch them ripe then they are a seedy soft banana with a different flavor. It’s so soft that the best way to eat it is with a spoon using the peel as a bowl.
But they have a very short window of ripeness, there’s a reason that they’re not commercially grown and it’s generally because of the short ripeness window and they’re easy to bruise during transport.
If you’ve got the space and the time go for it, it’s a fun little conversation starter to give family, neighbors, & coworkers something that they may not know grows right in their back woodlot.
Wow TIL. It sounds amazing, can’t believe I never thought to look for north American native fruits like this. Thanks for the info.
Have you ever noticed, when you hear a word for the first time, you will hear that word again within twenty-four hours?
Supposed to be a flavor akin to a mix of banana and mango, so maybe the best fruit possible.
Michigan has a Hell, so there’s no reason it can’t have a Paw Paw.
I’ve been there. When it SNOWED!
Did it freeze over?
It got a little moist, but we left before nightfall. (My mom, under no circumstances, was spending the night in Hell!)
well, not with kids in tow, certainly.
You see, she was already in hell ! :-D
Here’s the most important question: Did they have a human-sized handbasket?
No, but they do have a country bar.
“Mooom! Paw paw from Paw paw’s trying to destroy our democracy again!”
A pawpaw is a real fruit, related to the cherimoya.
Prime age to get their information from Facebook.
Probably not a great age to be starting a fourteen year prison sentence at, but they should have thought about that before trying to overthrow our democracy I guess
To be fair the first two generations in this meme were raging alcoholics who beat the shit out of their kids and wives. Oh and the whole racists as fuck part.
Is there a great age to do that? Seems to me that the older you are, the less of your real life is lost.
This same generation kept repeating shit like “don’t believe everything you read on the internet” back in the dial up days. Good advice I took to heart.
Now my own mother believes AOC wants to ban cows because they fart a lot.
Went from “stay in school” to “schools are wokist brainwashing centers run by child abusers and socialists and it’s child abuse to send them there.”
Fucking morons.
Not even the Internet. They told everyone not to believe everything they see on TV. Drilled it into our heads for years.
Now they’re plastered to the easychair, glued to fox bobblehead shows 24/7 getting angry over nonsense.
But the Simpsons and rock music were the devil…
I am pretty disappointed in the Gen X generation. I really thought we were going to be a lot more open minded and accepting of people than we have turned out to be.
Think of all the people you’ve known who were open minded and accepting and how small the number of them seemed compared to the majority when we were growing up. Know that a lot of those people probably went on to inspire those qualities in others and raise their kids to value those things. I’ve seen mainstream society come a long way from my childhood in the 80s and teens in the 90s.
I agree, I had a lot more hope for Gen X but we were up against the juggernaut of the boomer voting bloc. As those selfish fucks age out we’re finally looking at the possibility of righting the ship.
I agree that we have come a LONG way. I was in the first generation of ravers. I am aghast at some of my fellow old ravers and how they scorn the LGBQT community considering they were that their bars were often the only place we were offered safety and respect. The motto these guys wore on their sleeves was PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect, but now they are SLUR.
A surprising number of ravers compared to my other social circles have gone full conspiracy, MAGA cult, qANON. IMO it attracted a good number of contrarians, counter culture, anti government types in the first place and they were bound to get roped into something like this. I thought hare krishna type things, but boy was I wrong!
That’s sad to hear. I was in the same scene. Fortunately the raver friends that I still keep in touch with didn’t go down that road.
I realized that the other day. My brother is gen z, and when I felt him out on lgbt issues (he’s been raised in a very conservative bubble), he just doesn’t care.
Then I realized - millennials were raised by gen x. I got a lot of ideas shoved in my head growing that took some time to unravel after I started to examine if my beliefs matched my morals… I just assumed he’d be in a similar position. But he’s been taught by millennials and seen it in the media, he never learned those hang ups I had to get past
This weekend it hit me - Gen x is driving force behind all of this body autonomy bullshit
A lot of millennials were still raised by boomers. If you’re an early to mid millennial, you’re probably more likely to have been raised by boomers than gen X-ers, since the oldest gen X-ers would have only been like 15 years old at the start of the millennial generation.
In 1988 (the midpoint year for millennials), the average age of someone having their first child was 27, so most kids born that year were born to late boomers. Only towards the 90’s, the last third of millennials, would you start seeing more Gen X parents than boomers.
And if you were a second or third child in the millennial generation, your parents were more likely to be boomers than not, too.
I blame dementia. I have a parent that’s still a Trump supporter. It’s as if they’ve lost the ability to use reason. I am pretty sure Trump could shoot them in the face and they’d still vote for/support him.
There’s theories about the lead from leaded petrol doing a lot of brain damage before it was taken out.
Without looking, something like ppl born before 1980 or so. I really hope so, the following Gen (mine) isn’t as hot as I’d like but hoping for the best.
He said in 2015 that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and people would still love him. One thing I will say is that Trump realized he could easily grift people like your parent. I am sorry, BTW. It sucks.
There are some younger people just as far gone as them but there aren’t usually as many at Trump events
Can’t wait to see it all play out. You just know these people won’t accept responsibility and will blame others for their actions. I swear if they were 16-17 I wouldn’t be surprised but GOD DAMN, they’re all over 55 with 2 being over 80.
“We were just told to show up and sign this paper. If we had any information about it being untoward or illegal, we would not have done it”
That’s Ms. Michele Lundgren making excuses already. Like, you thought it was totally legal to pretend to be electors to subvert an election? Come on.
We were just following orders … wait, where have I heard that before?
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There are two people in there over 80, but the oldest baby boomers are “only” 77…
No living wage, no money for education, no money for health care, working three jobs to survive, and the world temperature and scarcity of housing are accelerating…
…but sure, let’s celebrate. This totally matters.
These are some of the people who fought to create those problems, including fighting against democracy itself to ensure it.
It’s not the end results needed, but it is a step on the path needed.
No, it isn’t.
It’s nothing. This will change nothing, as evidenced by the fact that even when Trump is performatively “arrested” there’s never handcuffs of a mugshot.
OK… So they shouldn’t get arrested? Fuck it lets go full nihilism here. Nothing matters my man, so why bother even posting here?
Of course they should.
I’m just years past pretending this is consequential, given that no one will go after any of the big fish in the pond. Can’t pretend we’re winning when we’re a year removed from reelecting a twice-impeached fascist.
There are about to be 3 independent indictments against trump. So they are going after the big fish here. No I understand your cynicism there until we actually see him get jail time and shows up for booking.
What do you think the point of handcuffs and a mugshot are? He wasn’t at risk of being violent or arrested for a violent crime. Mugshots are for record keeping and identity purposes, but there is no need for that when the suspect is one of the most photographed people on the entire planet. Handcuffs and mugshots are not some weird way to humiliate people.