Got my first light last Christmas and it’s been such a fun time getting all these. Sofirn IF30 should be here any day!
Collecting is always weird to me.
Well yes, but this is an internet forum for flashlights. That’s pretty weird too.
Sure but flashlights are functional for me, not a collector piece. Each one I have serves a purpose. I think I have six including a UV light. I could see myself getting two more to fit missing utility, but that’s it.
I can see you like Anduril! Except for the wurkkos ts12.
How do you like the brass ts10? Seems like a great value and is on my list to potentially get.
Sticking with the 14500-theme, my first hank light might be a D2 if I can settle on an emitter combo.
Yo this sub is weird and beautiful. Shine on you crazy flashlight loving bastards.
I’m such a tinkerer that not having all that control stresses me out. If the TS12 had a less ugly LED and Anduril I would carry it everyday. It’s so much fun.
Honestly I haven’t carried the brass one much. It’s really nice I just like the copper one much more. For the price it’s an absolute steal though. Plus you can get it in 3k.
My white D2 is a 519a 5700k/2700k dedome combo with floody optics. And the green one is 3500k and green with spot optics. If I had to get 1 more honestly I’d probably get 519a/w1. I think flood/spot is the most practical.
Late reply but now I realize they should have just made a 14500 version of the ts11, even without aux sft40 or W1 would have been neat with this host.
I placed an order today for a W1, W2, and 519a 57k and am gonna try and swap one of them in. Hopefully won’t have to do too much to fit them in.
my first hank light might be a D2 if I can settle on an emitter combo.
I recently bought my first Hank, a D2… its a fun little light… more details in this album:
I also have a couple of TS10, and I really like them too. Here is an album w one of mine, modded to sw45k: I will probably buy the Titanium model next.
Thanks! I’ve seen some of your great posts and LED swap mods on BLF. These are well-photographed, something which is more difficult than I realized once I tried taking some photos of lights, with phones being so good now at taking pics of people and landscapes.
I do have a ts10 in the rotation (plus two extras from when Terry from Wurkkos said the anodized colors were being discontinued) and it is as good as everyone says, although I only like it in 5700k.
the secret for me, has turned out to be to take photos during daylight hours (not in the dark)… it seems to help the iPhone camera (auto white balance), to produce useful beam color comparisons, for me… Plus daylight shows what the host looks like.
the other thing that has turned out really handy as a background is my gray soldering mat… (better than white paper).
I guess I can ask you since it’s always been in the back of my mind: if I wanted an extremely bright but small LED flashlight, which one should I get?
How small? How bright? Also this is very useful for finding stuff by filters:
Any thing that is ir and a regular light? Been looking to replace my lost olight.
Emisar D2 can be ordered with UV on the second emitter. Pictured 2nd and 4th from bottom left in OP’s photo but those all look like visible light emitters.
It’s a much smaller brand than Olight so keep that in mind if you’re looking for something with more mass market appeal.
Right I ment UV not ir.
That sounds like the setup I am looking for thanks I will check it out!
here is a good video of a D2 w UV:
and a good review of a D2:
the reviews have differing opinions on whether to choose the spot optic or the flood optic… I went with the flood option and am very happy with it… (it is Not Very Floody, it just makes the beam round instead of square)
Not only a great review(er) but the website does not have intrusive ads, thanks!
Ah in that case I answered your question accidentally haha.
I haven’t heard of IR emitters in the D2, but if anyone could do it it would be Hank Wang (the owner of Emisar and Noctigon).
Not yet. Olight is one of the few doing stuff like that.
Nice collection! Is the purple light on the wall from a UV? Is it a D2?
That’s all from the TS11 aux lights actually! They’re stupid bright and I love it. No UV light yet. Can’t decide.
Love your diffusers man! Also your D2 headband clip has been very helpful on the job.