A district judge in Wisconsin has sided with an 11-year-old trans girl over her use of the girls’ toilets and temporarily blocked school officials from preventing her access.

  • MyFairJulia@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    This discomfort usually comes up if you expect a trans kid (most likely trans girl) to show their genitals (usually a dick) to you or your kids. That does not happen. This is what conservatives want you to think though when they ban trans kids (or even trans people of all ages) from using the toilet matching their gender.

    This doesn’t happen because most of the time trans people are not comfortable with their genitals anyway. But even if they are: They don’t show their genitals because they want to take a dump in the toilet.

    Besides: I find the confidence of conservatives truly remarkable that they think that a trans woman will go around and show them their dick. Conservatism is not sexy for us at all, nevermind sexy enough that we get naked on the spot.

    You know what is sexy enough to make us undress on the spot? Consent! There’s nothing more sexy than a consenting partner!

    Also what dismalnow said.