I really hoped Matt Parker would have shown how to construct these divisibility rules, so I came up with my own method. Find prime P and natural number N such that P*N = a *10^b + c
The smaller a and c are, the better. b determines where you split the number.
Example: P=313 N=16 a=5 b=3 c=8
313*16=5 *10^3 + 8
Now we can test for 223795=313*13*11*5
Split 223795 after the b:th number, 3rd in this case.
decimal point separates the components A, B
Multiply the A=223 by c and subtract from the rest B=795 multiplied by a
Repeat if needed till you get to small enough number.
which is easy to see that’s 3*313
Some bad combinations don’t reduce the starting number but they are at least always divisible by P. Those cases could be called Parker divisibility rules.
You can also see that when c is negative, A*c
is added rather than subtracted, which explains why some method add or subtract like Vsauce vs James.
This is just a funny trick to simulate division and modulus by 10^b to get smaller number, while preserving the congruence.
It’s possible I made mistake somewhere, but was able to get correct answers with other few examples.