Nothing more satisfying than killing a mosquito and taking back the blood that they stole.
Hell yes! It’s my blood damnit!
This is how you accidentally become a cannibal, don’t eat things that eat us.
Given the chance, just about everything would eat us.
Why is it called “bite” tho?
They use their pointy tube-like mouthpart to poke into our skin and get the blood. Isn’t that closer to stinging?
Would you rather we call it penetration?
2 thoughts:
- there is a dick joke there
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I saw the message in my inbox and I was thinking of replying just with a lenny face. Well there it is already.
Lenny on lemmy
It’s got a ring to it
Does Dracula bite or sting?
Is that how you sing? Sticking your mouth to others’ skin?
For the same reason we say a snake is poisonous, I guess.
Snakes are venomous…
Yes, that was my point.
screw contracting diseases if it means you can turn the tables on them 🤷
If they bit you first, is there any increased risk? I mean you’ve already had blood contact if they were carrying anything.
Sure maybe when you start out by only getting revenge. But not when you decide to devastate the entire mosquito population, becoming the mosquito antichrist in your quest for vengeance.
From experience I can say that they taste bad.
Those damn beasts bit me all over my feet and soles and hand. Scratchy everywhere.
So… How?
Put it in your mouth and SUCK IT!
How. Tell me right now.
You can get an electrified racquet… then just stand there swinging it wildly like a lightsaber, listening to the crackle and pop of your tiny bitey enemies dying 10 at a time.
The enemy is never ending, it’s kind of a Sysphean task. But for a few brief minutes you will once again feel secure in your place at the top of the food chain (also your chances of being reincarnated as a mosquito are increased by 100000x)
Grab the mosquito, stick its proboscis right into your vein, and squeeze your stolen blood back in.
One of my dogs is a nipper and I keep telling him that I don’t bite him, so I don’t think that’s especially fair.
Does he listen?
No kidding I slept in a hotel room and got 44 mosquito bites in one night last week. Good thing I only stayed there for one night. I had to withstand severe itching all over my arms for 48 hours ⊙﹏⊙
While it is theoretically possible to put a mosquito in your mouth and bite down on it, it is highly unadvisable and unsanitary. Mosquitoes are known carriers of various diseases including malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus, among others. When they feed on blood, they can pick up these diseases from infected individuals and transmit them to others. So, biting a mosquito could potentially expose you to these diseases.