Alt text: LinkedIn post If you really knew me you’d know I think oat milk is a scam. Check the ingredients - it’s oil and carb sludge, not worth it on a daily basis. Similar to applying to jobs online, it’s tempting but basically crap. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t mean it’s the best or healthiest strategy. Following mainstream trends isn’t necessarily what will work. It’s true for job searching as much as your health. Do you. But also, try something new when you know better.
This is almost incoherent. I think this “grindset” group of people is actually just individuals with undiagnosed cerebral clotting. How many of them die within 48 hours of posting? I think it’s worth investigating.
Maybe this isn’t that much of a lunatic but I’m white knighting non-dairy milk, okay?
Non dairy milk is great. But he’s right when oat milk costs 5x or 10x the price of regular milk while having mostly cheap ingredients is a scam.
I agree, oat milk should not be this expensive it’s mainly water! Milk is also both heavily subsidized by the state so the price drops and the producer don’t make a lot of margins on it.
That’s so true, making it yourself if you can is the best
How much do you pay for oat milk? It’s like €1.40/L here which is only like 50% more than dairy milk.
What even is he suggesting? I don’t apply for jobs online? How and where does he think you are suppose to get jobs then. Strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into Jobland where jobs grow on jobbies
Am I missing something? Three different people in this thread are calling this person called Stephanie a he?
I didn’t read closely enough to see that the person was named Stephanie. Opps
He wants you to pay for his coaching. Just imply theres a better way and leave the coaching link.
I’d like to add: Take note how the dot before the com is in brackets. This is likely to confuse spam filters.
“He” is named Stephanie and as they are “trying to secure the money for women in tech” Im guessing they don’t use “he”.
I goofed it
Plenty of people try to use popular hashtags to promote their unrelated content, but I’m almost impressed that they actually tried to make a segue from “oatmilk” to “my hustle grindset blog.”