• @SulaymanF@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Trump was going to push and threaten until this happened. It shouldn’t be a surprise after all this time and all his ranting and it should be granted. He’s accused of using his followers to stage an attack; of course he shouldn’t be allowed to again.

    • DarkGamer
      5611 months ago

      I suspect stochastic terrorism is the last card he has to play.

      • @ALostInquirer@lemm.ee
        2411 months ago

        Wouldn’t the real last card be organizing & mounting a full blown insurrection? Not like the first attempt where he could try to keep his hands relatively clean of it, as he’s tried to do in a number of other criminal schemes related to his businesses.

        • @PolydoreSmith@lemmy.world
          2611 months ago

          Part of me wishes he would try it, because you just don’t come for the US Federal Government. Trump talks a big game and has a following, but the Feds are fucking psychos. These people killed MLK. These people have overthrown countless foreign governments. They’ve been trafficking drugs, weapons, and humans since before you and I were born.

          I’m not saying I’m happy about it. I’m ashamed to be American every day that I wake up. But Trump is small potatoes to them. If he ever tried a coup for real it would end very badly for him, I promise you.

          • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
            1811 months ago

            The system is designed to protect and preserve the status quo. Apparently he forgot that, I doubt he is up to date on his American history.

            • @DragonAce@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              I doubt he knows the first thing about American history. Hes has several old teachers admit he was a fucking moron and IIRC there is documentation that Trump Sr paid his son’s way thru school. So that moron probably knows less about US history than most middle school kids.

              • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
                1111 months ago

                With the way the Republicans are speedrunning the destruction of the already fractured education system in this country I don’t know if the middle schoolers are going to fare much better unfortunately.

                • Echo Dot
                  911 months ago

                  Well if they can walk and talk at the same time they’re already doing better than Donny.

        • @Elderos
          11 months ago

          I am convinced he wanted a full blown insurrection the first time around, and fully planned to enter the capitol as newly coronated emperor. He wanted armed protesters to hang around his rally, and he fully planned to go there. The reason he didn’t is that once he got into his car the secret service over ruled his last-minute request (because he knew it would not be approved), and he got MAD. He tried to physically take control of the car, but yeah, apparently the president does not have the authority to put himself in harm’s way.

          • @HewlettHackard@lemmy.ca
            1311 months ago

            Check out paragraph 81 of the indictment. One of his co-conspirators was having a discussion with a lawyer; the lawyer said staying in office past January 20 would trigger “riots in every major city in the United States, and the co-conspirator replied, “Well, [lawyer], that’s why there’s an Insurrection Act”.

            • TechyDad
              211 months ago

              Does it count as irony if Trump sees a crowd storming The Capitol in an attempt to kill legislators and the Vice President and says “these are patriots” but when he’s informed that people will get upset if he breaks democracy and seizes power, he claims that they will be insurrectionists?

        • Echo Dot
          1411 months ago

          He and his merry band of idiot followers can’t organise a coup, they don’t have the collective brain power. IQ in the low 40s, no idea what’s going on in the world outside of their bubble, and prone to infighting and arguing about whose conspiracy theory is the correct conspiracy theory.

          They all think they would just march in waving their guns around, and automatically win, but what would actually happen is they’d end up getting cut to ribbons, then the rest would run away.

            • John Richard
              711 months ago

              If I could describe the Republican party in two sentences, this would be it. They know they are liars too, but they just don’t care as long as their voters do.

        • DarkGamer
          11 months ago

          Wouldn’t the real last card be organizing & mounting a full blown insurrection? Not like the first attempt where he could try to keep his hands relatively clean of it, as he’s tried to do in a number of other criminal schemes related to his businesses.

          I doubt he’d be capable of orchestrating that. he threw his insurrectionists under the bus last time by inciting them and then not pardoning them; Trumpers willing to do such a thing are in or going to prison. Makes it hard to incentivize the next batch.

          He’s lost support in the military. Can you imagine him trying to lead troops like a general? It would be the shortest coup ever. He’d probably change enemy troop locations with a sharpie because he doesn’t like where they are.

          Trump is good at spewing vile rhetoric, he’s not competent or popular enough to carry out a successful violent insurrection.

        • 520
          411 months ago

          Perhaps it was intended to be. Maybe even Trump is surprised he’s still alive and out if jail

    • FuglyDuck
      4111 months ago

      naw. he’s going to keep doing it until they lock him up and take his phone away. I say we just skip the end and lock him up until the trial. And then forget where the key was placed.

      • TechyDad
        111 months ago

        If he keeps threatening witnesses, the prosecutor, judges, etc and refuses to stop he just might end up in jail. He’ll definitely be given more chances to stop than you or I would. (Then again, if you or I were facing these charges, we’d be awaiting trial in a jail cell.) The DC judge doesn’t seem like the type to allow shenanigans though. Eventually he’ll exhaust her patience and he’ll get a “next violation will send you to jail for contempt of court.” Trump will inevitably violate this and she might send him to jail.

        Of course, the right will yell and scream about how this is “Joe Biden imprisoning his political opponents,” ignoring that Trump would have been given multiple warnings to stop his behavior and didn’t listen. What happens to Trump shouldn’t take “what will the right say” into consideration, though, apart from 1) shoring everything up against any good faith arguments and 2) increasing security against any crazies looking to hit at “those evil liberals that are persecuting God King Trump.”

        • FuglyDuck
          011 months ago

          If we were facing these things, the trial would have been over within the first three months.

          It’s been over two years. This entire thing is a joke

    • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
      2911 months ago

      I would put money on Trump violating the terms of this protective order. The question is will the court do what is necessary to prevent him from tainting a jury or tampering with witnesses which he has already warned about during his arraignment?

      I want to believe that they will take these threats seriously given his track record of escalating violence when he has been backed into a corner. I just don’t think it should require someone else getting injured or killed before they act. Multiple people have already lost their lives over this, and how many more is it going to take before he will be held accountable for that too?