So, the bag is labeled as “peperone” and they are growing well, but when do I water them, I’ve been doing daily. Also, how do I get rid of flies, baby flies are hatching in my pot and I want them gone, I need an organic and affordable solution for that too.

  • sleepybisexualOP
    17 days ago

    Will have to find a spray bottle first

    Can anyone else confirm if this is any good?

    • Cubelet
      37 days ago

      @sleepybisexual you don’t need to kill those flies. They aren’t gonna harm your plants. They’ll just be somewhat annoying flying around in your house. Water less, and if you happen to find a wolf spider in your house bring it over to your pot. They’ll take care of the flies for you!

      • sleepybisexualOP
        37 days ago

        We don’t get good spiders here, we just get the rare tiny one. I wanna kill to flies because they annoy me