Greens lawmaker Katrin Göring-Eckardt apologized for the post made after Germany’s 2-0 win against Hungary. It comes after a survey showed 21% of Germans would like to see more white players on the national team.

German lawmaker Katrin Göring-Eckardt on Thursday deleted a social media post commenting on the skin color of German football players after it was met with backlash.

She apologized for the post made after Germany’s 2-0 victory over Hungary in their second Euro 2024 stage match on Wednesday.

Göring-Eckhardt is a member of the Greens and vice president of the Bundestag, Germany’s lower house of parliament.

This team is truly exceptional. Just imagine if there were only white German players,” the German lawmaker reportedly said in the now-deleted post on platform X, formerly Twitter.

  • Quokka
    -83 months ago

    Why the fuck apologise for that? Did some bigoted fucksticks get upset? Good.

      3 months ago

      Because what she said could be taken as her supporting the racists…

      And well adjusted adults apologize after saying something the wrong way…

      Seriously, I don’t understand why you’re so upset. Did you read the article and not understand what was happening?

      Did you never learn to apologize for miscommunication?

      Do you always just double down and if anyone ever apologizes you think they “lost”?

      I am downright intrigued for why you think apologizing is a bad move here…

          -33 months ago

          So is Quokka your other account, and you’ve just been talking to yourself?

          Did you think I replied to you?

          Did you think I was talking about you?

          Are you just replying to every comment in this thread?

          I really don’t understand what you or that other account are doing, if you’re the same person it starts making a little more sense. But I really don’t think any of this is going to be productive.

          Just trying to understand what’s going on here and why people are upset someone apologized for phrasing something poorly.

      3 months ago

      Well, first of all the statement could be interpreted either way (either meaning a fully-white team would be better or worse).

      But no, it was not backlash from some bigots. It was the “anti-bigots” that think you’re a bigot for mearly mentioning skincolour.

      3 months ago

      I can’t find a quote from the OP linked DW article, so I found this.

      EDIT: It is in the original article posted, it’s just the OP comment that is misleading. Read the article, and forget the OP comment.

      Diese Mannschaft ist wirklich großartig. Stellt euch kurz vor, da wären nur weiße deutsche Spieler.

      My amateur translation as neither English or German first language:
      This team is really great, imagine (for a moment) if it was only white German players.

      Seems like she is trying to defend the fact that it’s not an all white team. But IDK, seems somehow inelegant the way she writes it. But maybe my German isn’t good enough?

      I think she should have stopped at just saying the team is great, the second part just seems like a weird response to racist complaints that there are too few whites on the team. Just saying the team is great, is probably the best counter to racism IMO.