Open and transparent, ladies and gentlemen.

    7 months ago

    Who the fuck cares what the economic analysis is?

    Fighting climate change is going to hurt economically, either do an analysis comparing the current plan to an alternative one, or don’t bother doing it.

    Publishing an analysis that says ‘the carbon tax hurts the economy’ just gives dumbass conservatives something to bitch and complain about.

    Regardless, compare whatever painful number is there to the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars that severe climate change will cost us and you’ll see that the plan still makes sense.

    I don’t understand how conservatives can be so fucking stupid that they don’t understand that our entire planet and biosphere crumbling and dying beneath us will cost the economy.

    • Trailblazing Braille Taser
      147 months ago

      I don’t understand how conservatives can be so fucking stupid that they don’t understand that our entire planet and biosphere crumbling and dying beneath us will cost the economy.

      Some would rather kick the can down the road. They figure they’ll die before shit gets real.