• @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    94 months ago

    North Korea sabre-rattles about every other Tuesday, so I doubt there’s going to be much they can do that would even cause US voters to raise their eyebrows, let alone care. Unless they actually launch an attack on someone, which is highly, highly unlikely.

    I could, however, see a situation where Russia goes full blitzkrieg on Ukraine and overwhelms them. The point would be to paint Russia winning the war in Ukraine as an inevitability and the billions of dollars being sent there to hold Russia back as a waste of money. I could very easily see that as there have been plenty of people who have had that feeling from day one: Ukraine can’t old off Russia forever and any money or supplies being sent there is doing nothing but holding off the inevitable. The Anti-Ukraine faction (Almost entirely Republicans, what a surprise) would launch attack ads saying “Biden spent $X billion sending money and supplies to Ukraine, and what did it achieve? Nothing but a country turned to rubble and millions of dead soldiers. That money could have been kept in the US and spent on (list of popular items that the GOP damn well know they’d have never voted for anyway).”. And I do think that would be enough to tilt at least some undecided voters in Trump’s favor.

    • pelya
      84 months ago

      Nah, russia used their only opportunity for a blitzkrieg in 2022. Now they have kilometers of minefields in every piece of land they try to capture. Blitzkrieg only works on unprepared opponent.