In theory, tax payer paid healthcare is a good idea. In theory.

      03 months ago

      It’s here because Canada is the only country in the world with tax payer paid healthcare. Wait, what? Most countries in the world have tax payer paid healthcare? I meant in North America. Wait, what? Mexico has tax payer paid healthcare too?

      • NeuromancerM
        -13 months ago

        And yet millions are coming to America. Way to promote the Mexican health care system. They love it so much they run across the border.

        13 months ago

        Explain how a single patient death is a valid argument against the thousands (probably more) of times privatized, profit-driven healthcare in the US has done that or worse.

        When you look at who is preserving and enabling this situation, it’s congressional conservatives. Look at their voting records. Review C-SPAN coverage and watch it actually happen. You cannot manipulate reality with online arguments, only accept/reject it.

        What you have right here is a straw man argument. A single case is anecdotal, the trend however is much more important.

        • Alice
          03 months ago

          Holy shit this guy got banned!? What happened?

                  03 months ago

                  Admittedly I was because I caught on to the power tripping nature of this community’s mod.

                  But that’s how they want to run it so I’m back complying like a good little user and am just going to keep my thoughts to the comments section where that’s allowed.

                  You see, conservative opinions only work when being broadcasted while burying out dissenting voices. If those voices are too loud, too many people may not agree with conservatives.

                  • Alice
                    3 months ago

                    I wasn’t following y’alls conversation and I’m Not interested in having a political discussion either. I’m sick of politics online and I don’t want to see it or talk about it all the fucking time.

                    Not sure what u mean nor am I gunna puck it apart and argue. Obviously I disagree. I consider myself conservative, and also an instance admin and I don’t feel the need to ‘take action’

                    Yall both honestly need to chill out lol calm down. Try to connect as just people dude not I’m a this and their a that.

                    Yall aren’t gunna agree on shit so come on lol stop fighting eachother.

                    I mean you do you, this is just how it is with political shit. It’s annoying. Anyway idk drink a beer

            • NeuromancerM
              -13 months ago

              Nobody’s feeling got hurt. Read rule 2. He violated it intentionally after warnings.