• @orclev@lemmy.world
    246 months ago

    Longer term it’s going to be interesting to see what if anything RISC-V changes. Right now they’re filling a role that ARM occupied about 20 years ago being primarily an alternative for cheap and medium power devices, but just like ARM they’ve got the potential to duke it out in the desktop space with the right backing. It would for instance be an interesting move if Microsoft partnered with a company like HiFive to produce a truly high end RISC-V CPU similar to Apples M1/M2.

    • @Ugurcan@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Producing a really high end CPU just be muscle flexing. Anybody can do that. Having apps run on it is a whole another story.

      What Apple done right with M1 was not producing a powerful Arm CPU, but having old apps run on it so everyday people won’t be thrown into an unknown territory.

      I’m too, looking forward to RISCV’s expansion though. MS could just skip ARM and adopt the better platform.

      • @orclev@lemmy.world
        26 months ago

        Producing a really high end CPU just be muscle flexing. Anybody can do that. Having apps run on it is a whole another story.

        You say that, but nobody has actually done so. HiFive has produced some CPUs that would qualify as extremely low end desktop CPUs, but nothing that can compete with even middle of the road processors like an i5 or a Ryzen 5. As for apps, it would be pretty trivial to get a huge swath of Linux apps running on it, and if there was enough of a base and demand you’d see companies producing RISC-V binaries as well (much like they’re starting to for ARM). For emulation layers I’m sure something could be done, QEMU if nothing else could probably be used.

    • XNX
      26 months ago

      Does RISC-V have the better power/heat management that ARM has? Would be interesting in intel goes all in RISC

      • @orclev@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Yes, technically speaking ARM is RISC, just a different flavor of it from RISC-V. They’re effectively siblings. x86 on the other hand (and AMD64) are CISC processors. CISC provides compact programs at the cost of a more complicated (and therefore more power hungry) CPU. That said this is a gross oversimplification and no modern CPU is entirely RISC or CISC under the covers. Both ARM and x86 end up looking quite similar to each other when you dig into them, with x86 producing microcode from its instruction set that is effectively RISC, and ARM introducing some decidedly CISC looking instructions.

        The reality is the relative power hungry-ness of the architectures doesn’t really come down to RISC vs. CISC as much as it does x86 providing backwards compatibility to literally decades of bad decisions. If x86 could jettison backwards compatibility and ditch all but the latest and greatest of its instruction set it would be able to compete watt for watt with ARM easily, but that’s a tradeoff customers are unwilling to engage with as it would render large swaths of software incompatible.