I’m curious what you’ve been doing with it, what workarounds and fixes you’ve had to do over the years?

  • @rekabis@lemmy.ca
    66 months ago

    The machinists run their gcode files from USB sticks that are walked from their machine to the CNC

    Wait until USB-C becomes the de-facto standard, and new systems no longer come with USB-A, and USB-A sticks are no longer manufactured.

    Happened to the floppy drive, too.

    • Otherbarry
      26 months ago

      True, but add-in cards are going to be around for a long time after that for the people truly desperate for USB-A ports on a new desktop.

      For a while at work I had to use a add-in card in a Win 10 desktop just to have a parallel port for the ancient label printer we were using.