• @lennybird@lemmy.world
    06 months ago

    Apples and oranges in my view; for Is there any law that Biden can sign right now?

    Is there anything Biden can do right now that won’t be immediately reversed by Trump and orders-of-magnitude worse?

    Hence why under these circumstances, in my opinion, following the polling data and ensuring election is paramount.

    In the meantime we should all be focused not on criticizing Biden but targeting the pro-Israeli voters and trying to sway them. If you change them, the polling changes, and so too will Biden’s position.

    And ultimately that’s exactly what we’ve seen over the last couple of months.

    • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
      26 months ago

      You’d sell your mother into slavery to get Biden elected, that much is obvious. You have no moral framework for any of your so-called “principles,” your only concern is winning. Which is precisely how we got to this point after the third-way Democrats compromised with neoliberalism by allowing corporate donations to dominate their party. Compromising your humanity by settling with the lesser evil is still evil.

      • @lennybird@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Hahaha I’m sorry, what? Now you’re just going off the deep end.

        I’d rather ensure my mother doesn’t live with Trump as president for another 4 years. It’s not good for her blood pressure.

        Unfortunately you just seem far too short-sighted to comprehend the big picture, here. You’d rather manufacture purity tests for the Democrats even if that means holding the door open for literal evil. Classic pyrrhic victory.

        Lambast Democrats all you want. Yet Every Single progressive advancement we’ve had in this country has come through the Democratic party.

        • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
          -16 months ago

          I’m not saying to not vote for Biden to prevent the fascism of Trump. I will. And I have to make peace with that, if I can. But I’m not gonna lie to myself and others to justify this administrations actions regarding Palestine. Genocide should never be condoned, even for poll numbers.

          • @lennybird@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            I entirely sympathize with that and think this is a very grounded comment. From my view I feel Democrats are losing the information war and our ties to Israel are too deep to just uproot overnight without disastrous consequences.

            I weigh the pros/cons of: Biden cutting all ties and aid overnight with Israel versus the risk to popularity and losing the election and handing the keys to Trump. Put another way: if this wasn’t election season and polls weren’t this tight, I think Biden would’ve dropped Israel much faster and absorbed the risk. (sort of like withdrawing from Afghanistan far away from an election).

            It is imperative every one of us keep pushing against the Israeli narrative so we alter the polling in favor of walking away from Israel.