• @TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world
    07 months ago

    I’m not married to social media unlike yourself apparently.

    And no. The US should have zero ability to arrest, and capture anyone not on their soil. The US engages in legal and ILLEGAL extradition. It also engages in the weaponization of systems such as Interpol and basic extradition. Claim 1 charge that is just alleged, extradite, then charge with different things that would have never allowed an extradition. The US is the world bully.

    If the US wanted to try a cartel leader in abstensia, that’s fine. It’s like having an imaginary tea party. If that person never sets foot in the US, they should be fine. If the country they are in wants to prosecute them for breaking the laws of where they are, that’s up to that country.

    The US position is hypocrital. Anyone, everywhere in the world, is subject to US rules. Break any US law, and the US will prosecute you if they want to. Break a law outside the US, and the US can prosecute you in the US. And then the exact opposites, don’t count. If the US does something outside the US area, it’s not illegal. If the US breaks a local law, they claim it can’t be touched.

    You bring up Latin America and power vacuums that Cartel leaders have… You really should research WHY those leaders are there. The US purposefully interferes with their governments to keep those in power that are friendly to overall American interests. You know the same thing it’s so indignant about because Russia is doing it now to the US… The term Banana Republic is literally describing what the US does to the region you bring up.

    And why is the manufacturer the bad guy here? “Bad guy” has a company. He manufactures a product, and exports it. It is sold to customers to freely and openly buy it. The drug is controlled but available if you have the proper documentation. Remember your grandparents could buy fizzy drinks with cocaine in it just for kicks when they were a kid. They could buy medicine like a Nyquil with these opiodes in it too with no regulation at all. The concept of them being bad and needing regulation is very new. The customers today that buy the drug are committing a crime in their local jurisdiction. It is not a crime everywhere in the world.

    The US has deemed the company owner a bad guy. And kidnapped him to try him.

    A company makes a product. It’s illegal where it’s made, but due to financial bribery of the local government, it is allowed. This product is sold locally and exported. When it is purchased in an outside market it’s black market and illegal and you can go to jail for it. The US says you can issue a warrant for the owner of the company, kidnap them in a paramilitary operation to your country, then throw them in jail for financial crimes because every dollar made from the illegal product is part of a crime. Do you only arrest the CEO? All shareholders? All employees? Distributors? The US says yes yes yes.

    In that case, Ramon Laguarta the CEO of Pepsico should be thrown in jail in any European country. As would everyone who works for them or owns a share of the company. That’s Vanguard, Black Rock, every KFC employee and hundreds of other brands, every grocery store and gas station owner, etc. Why? Because just pick one product. Captain Crunch. It’s made with BHA which is a chemical for shelf stabilization. It is illegal in California. It’s illegal in many countries, including many EU countries. It hurts people, it actually harms their health. The manufacturer and pusher of Captain Crunch gets a free ride, why? If France acted like the US he’d be guillatened tomorrow.

    Anyways, it’s obvious you are fully encapsulated by American propaganda if you can’t see if basic hypocrisy. Murica always good. Everyone else always wrong. That’s all the energy I’ll be giving to this.

    • PatFusty
      7 months ago

      Holy moly that’s a TLDR

      You are on an anti US tirade and I honestly don’t care for it. I asked a simple question and you threw a novel at me ala hexbear style

        • PatFusty
          7 months ago

          Yep, must be my brown Hispanic nature to be dumb and incapable of learning your superior ways right? I asked a yes or no question and you wrote a chapter for a romantic novel.

          I am immune to your anti America bullshit sophistry. Go earn your CCP good boy points with someone else.