Bad news, folks. The Tories have proven yet again that they’re complete and utter wankers.

    • Hellfire103OP
      324 months ago

      Yeah. I heard about this on the radio, and my first thought was, “Oh shit, those suicide rates are going to skyrocket.”

      My second thought was “Should I throw a bucket of gravy over whoever’s responsible, or should I come at them with a cricket bat?”

      • FfaerieOxide
        254 months ago

        “Oh shit, those suicide rates are going to skyrocket.”

        Oh nah, people are absolutely going to die as a direct result of this decision. More many will have scars.

        It’s still murder—still assault—if the weapon you form against a person is their own beleaguered hand.

        I weep for needless death.

        144 months ago

        I vote cricket bat, then throw a bucket of gravy on them as they lay on the ground. Then spit on them. Then kick them… A lot!