The billionaire also told the outlet that he plans to vote for former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Texas GOP primary Tuesday as “a protest vote against Trump,” but that he would still support the current president versus the former one.

    627 months ago

    I feel you missed out a lot of things that Biden as done well and went out of your way to describe Biden as closely as possible to Trump.

    Sometimes billionaires and people don’t want a crazy insurrectionist in office.

      7 months ago

      I know lots of dems are mad at Biden, but it’s like they forgot what happened two elections ago. People were mad that Hilary was forced down their throats and didn’t like her as a candidate. They didn’t vote for her out of protest and look what happened. I’ve been hearing more and more the same kind of talk this election cycle. No one likes being forced to vote for a candidate, and they should certainly have a better campaign than, “Well look at the alternative,” but not voting for Biden is basically voting for Trump. Primaries are absolutely the time to make a protest vote, but let’s not fall for this nonsense again. Biden is not handling the Palestine/Isreal problem well but the alternative would be even worse.

        -157 months ago

        This is like abused spouse logic…

        Why be mad at voters and not the people who keep putting up bad candidates?

        I’m not sure if you remember 08, but the party fought Obama hard and there was a big campaign for neoliberals to vote R, which they did.

        But it wasn’t enough because lots of non voters turned out and became voters. They just needed a candidate they truly believed would help them.

        And Obama was/is really good at convincing people of that.

        Biden and Hillary aren’t.

          7 months ago

          You completely twisted what I said. Who is mad at voters? Who said I didn’t want a better candidate. All I said was don’t fall for the same trap as last time.

      117 months ago

      Sometimes billionaires and people don’t want a crazy insurrectionist in office.

      They often dont.

      But when our only two options is “batshit crazy social/conservative fiscal” and “conservative social/conservative fiscal”.

      It kind of gives us a problem.

      No matter what party wins, the billionaires win.

      We just have to decide if we want social progress to roll back, or stay the same.

      Which is why 1/3 of the country doesn’t vote. And why Obama flipped a bunch of red states his first term.

      We can run progressives and easily win elections and get stuff done. Or we can run neoliberals and pray they beat the Republican in a coin flip election.

        47 months ago

        I don’t agree with that at all. The Democrats are actually pushing for change. It may be very slow, but that’s how the US government works: we don’t make drastic changes on a whim. Democrats are actually pushing for IRS funding to help ensure Billionaires pay their taxes, Republicans are actively trying to reduce their funding. Democrats are trying to enshrine the rights of women to make decisions about their bodies, Republicans are actively trying to remove that right.

        All that being said, I do wish the Democrats, and president could be more progressive than the currently are.

        this country doesn’t appear ready for progressives, or else we would be talking about Bernie’s 2nd term right now. We need to move the needle slowly to where a president joining a union picket line isn’t big news.

          57 months ago

          Have the Democrats been successful in moving the needle left in the past decades though? Honest question, I don’t really see how the US was 30 years ago in general.

          The reason I’m asking is because the prevailing criticism is that if Democrats can only move the needle slowly to the left, and Reps yank it hard right every time they can, then slow change to the left isn’t going to cut it, since the country keeps moving right.

            27 months ago

            When Republicans pull right, it isn’t always the same things D’s had pulled left. Regardless, here are some examples:

            Weed: surge of blue states have legalized marijuana at the state level. Obama mentioned that policy would be to no pursue low level marijuana crimes. Trump didn’t seem to change that and now Biden is going through the process of rescheduling Marijuana.

            Abortion: R’s, in the form of the supreme court, have finally allowed states to outlaw abortion. D’s have pushed hard,even in red states, to enshrine the right to abortions.

            Climate: California has passed a law that will disallow gas powered cars to be sold after (inclusive?)2035. Other states and countries have followed similar laws. This will also push manufacturers to begin reduce gas powered manufacturing and sales throughout the US due to California’s purchasing power.

            Climate 2: the inflation reduction act passed by Congress includes increasing green energy technology and production. This is the most massive bill to combat climate change passed by anyone, ever in the world.

            Health-care: ACA forces insurances to not deny covering customers, even if they have preexisting conditions. Funny enough, R voters are most helped by “Obamacare” and many like it. (States must opt in to ACA though)

            There’s of course more examples but those are some off the top of my head.