• As if teenagers aren’t frothing at the mouth to be as rebellious and morally righteous as possible (some are some aren’t, depends on your local politics really)

    Come on dude. You act like you haven’t been a teenager in so long

    • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
      24 months ago

      I would argue that I’ve been a teenager most of my life, in the sense that I didn’t really know what I believed in until I was in my late twenties.

      Teenagers just rage in general, and if they’re coherent – at specific things – but mostly they just rage.

        • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
          14 months ago
              People who       ---/         \---
               care about     /                 \
                 Yuzu       -/                   \-
                    \   ---/-                      \
                     \ /   | \                     |
                      X   /   \                     \
                      |\  |   |    Teenagers        |
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                        ---\-                      /
                            -\                   /-
                              \                 /
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