• Yash Raj
    914 months ago

    Nintendo competing to get the most evil corporation award from activision.

      • @moody
        334 months ago

        You mean they’ll re-release a 30 year old game and charge the same price as a brand new game?

        • @deus@lemmy.world
          224 months ago

          Nah, their games are amazing, credit where credit is due. The problem with Nintendo is everything else.

          • @moody
            184 months ago

            I’m not saying their games are bad. I’m just suggesting Mario 64 is due for another re-release at full price.

            • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
              4 months ago

              Its only been 3 years since they re-released it (bundled with two other games). Wasn’t that like a 17 year gap from the last time they released Mario 64 and skipping two generations? If so, next time should be late Switch 3 or Switch 4 and it’ll also include 3D world and Odyssey for full price. And given 3D all-stars was $15 cheaper than the original Mario 64, inflation adjusted, would the next be half the price?

      • @dunestorm@lemmy.world
        24 months ago

        Those loyal fans love sucking off Nintendo and defending every decision they make even when it fucks them in the ass in the long run.

        • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
          34 months ago

          You know those movies that were clearly made to sell money, instead of say anything interesting? It was as good as the last F&F movie.

        • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
          44 months ago

          Most don’t hear about it, and for every lost customer there’s a new generation of teenagers who don’t read the news to profit from

          • As if teenagers aren’t frothing at the mouth to be as rebellious and morally righteous as possible (some are some aren’t, depends on your local politics really)

            Come on dude. You act like you haven’t been a teenager in so long

            • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
              24 months ago

              I would argue that I’ve been a teenager most of my life, in the sense that I didn’t really know what I believed in until I was in my late twenties.

              Teenagers just rage in general, and if they’re coherent – at specific things – but mostly they just rage.

                • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
                  14 months ago
                      People who       ---/         \---
                       care about     /                 \
                         Yuzu       -/                   \-
                            \   ---/-                      \
                             \ /   | \                     |
                              X   /   \                     \
                              |\  |   |    Teenagers        |
                              \   \   /                     /
                               \   | /                     |
                                ---\-                      /
                                    -\                   /-
                                      \                 /
                                       ---\         /---
        • @DrRatso@lemmy.ml
          24 months ago

          Oh come on now. When is the last time anyones grudge against megacorps actually mattered. EA has been under huge public scrutiny many times, at the end of the day it doesnt actually matter. Its a vocal minority, mostly, virtue signaling, while they keep paying the same corps.

          • @stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            4 months ago

            Literally what hamas is doing right now.

            Literally what anonymous did in the US on several occasions during the early:mid 2000s

            Literally Wikileaks.

            Literally the Walmart protests.

            Big oil/global warming protests

            On and on

            Just because people haven’t cared enough about the things YOU deem a problem, doesn’t mean people don’t care. Don’t try and prescribe your altered reality on the rest of us.

            • @DrRatso@lemmy.ml
              44 months ago

              Half of these have nothing to do with the topic at hand. And then the rest are top notch examples…

              Walmart has been supremely crippled by public opinion, hasn’t it? Such a strong public grudge, they are surely on the brink of running out of business. The big oil corps totally care about what you think. Nestle is sweating trying to keep their business afloat. Pre-orders are dead, early access is a failed business model. Blizzard is in shambles after the Blitzchung incident. And the sexual assault.

              On and on.

                • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  24 months ago

                  Why do you say things like ‘goal posts’ and ‘strawman’ instead of actually talking like a conversation. From what I can tell the person you were responding to was talking about what made a difference, not what people care about. Many people care a lot about all the issues you mentioned but they were saying that the protests and boycotts didn’t directly make much of an impact against these companies or groups.

                  • @stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
                    4 months ago

                    Okay but even then… I think he’s wrong.

                    Walmart changed their wages. That shit did work.

                    Global warming protests have resulted in numerous policy being put out and other various wins amongst losses.

                    Blizzard had several high ranking individuals step down, there were settlements given for the law suits etc etc.

                    Not everyone here has to subscribe to a defeatist logical dumpster fire that many seem to have taken up (in general)

                    Taking action and speaking up works if you get enough people together and can cooperate and operate as a supportive team.

                    EDIT: removed my bull in China shop response to this poor person just trying to explain what they were talking about 🤦🏻‍♂️

                • @DrRatso@lemmy.ml
                  4 months ago

                  Goalposts? Come on

                  actually mattered

                  Is what I said. We were talking about public grudge against megacorps, how Hamas, Wikileaks or Anonymous factors in the topic, Im really not sure.

                  And I also don’t really see how I’m strawmanning. I was maybe being faceticious. By all means correct me if I’m wrong.

                  Walmart raising wages might be seen as a successfull protest, but walmart is still exploiting unskilled labour for terrible wages, just not terrible enough for people to huff and puff over. What actually changed about walmart?

                  Big oil is still just as horrible, we are still plunging head first into full scale climate catastrophe by the end of the century in pursuit of profits. What has actually changed?

                  If you want to call this an example of succesfull public action with sizeable long term implications, I guess we have to agree to disagree. The way I see it these companies just do the bare minimum to muffle the loud voices and just wait until the collective memory moves on to the next thing on the news cycle.

                  Delusional if you think people easily forget grudges against big companies lmao

                  That is precisely what you said. And if we want to double back to your reply, both anonymous and wikileaks are largely forgotten as well.

                  Blizzard might have changed leadership but if the public grudge is really as strong (and not easily forgotten) as you imply, then where were all the people who yelled they would never support blizz again (after either incident, or the many smaller things people have hated), they released the garbage pile that is D4 and upon quick google it made roughly as much money as D3.

                  People dont remember this stuff for more than a week, and even then, the people talking about it are a vocal minority. Most people don’t care or can’t afford to care in the first place. And most of the loud ones are just virtue signal bandwaggoning. This was very evident on reddit, for example. People somehow had all the same talking points for about 2-3 weeks, then it was the next thing, the old one somehow forgotten.

                  • Yeah dude you’re right your defeatist logic is the only way to go

                    Nothing matters

                    Nothing you do matters

                    Life is meaningless

                    Boo hoo

                    I don’t subscribe to this ideology, so yes we will agree to disagree. You say shit like Anonymous and Wikileaks are largely forgotten 😂

                    You ask how hamas attacking freighters full of western goods and capital have anything to do with mega corps LMAO 🤣

                    The only way you could have a conversation with me was to try and shut down my original point (which all you’ve come back with was that Anonymous and Wikileaks just are forgotten somehow and have no ability to back that point up) by coming up with your own and arguing that.

                    That’s text book goalpost moving. Let me start randomly popping into your comments with other people claiming separate points as rationale for your point somehow not having meaning

                    This is literal Chewbacca defense gtfo of my responses please this shit is too funny

    • SharkMommy🦈
      14 months ago

      I think we’re going to have to wait till they drop the next console. But who knows