• @Maggoty@lemmy.world
    28 months ago

    And how many kids is your security blanket worth? Because I’m sorry but if someone wants you dead, a gun is not going to stop it. It can help if you’re being robbed, or something sure. But if they came for you? Statistics say they’re likely to be killing you with your own gun.

    Especially in the world of bad cops and hate groups. Unless you’re living in a patrol base with the rest of your militia you aren’t going to stop a group of bigots or cops from killing you. That’s some Hollywood bullshit.

    And thinking an armed populace is any kind of threat to a modern military? That’s ridiculous. This isn’t 1792, and the whiskey rebellion didn’t work then either.

    Your route to safety is putting the work in to fight politically.

    • BaroqueInMind
      8 months ago

      Appealing to the safety of children is what Republicans do to trick voters to join them. You are attempting to do the same here and have a inauthentic argument; unless you have a plan to guarantee to get rid of all weapons, people are going to kill other people including kids. I don’t know if you are aware of this, but criminals and insane people don’t follow the laws and will still stay armed.

      And thinking an armed populace is any kind of threat to a modern military? That’s ridiculous.

      Vietnam. Afghanistan. We can keep going…

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        Vietnam and Afghanistan both had large external forces funding, sheltering, and equipping people. So are you relying on Canada or Mexico?

        And just because the GOP operates in bad faith does not mean it’s always a bad argument. Guns are the biggest killer of children and young adults.

        • BaroqueInMind
          17 months ago

          So are you relying on Canada or Mexico?

          I don’t know if you are purposely omitting GOPs primary benefactor Russia because you are obtuse or because you are purposely trying subvert the discussion in a malicious way to attempt at an argument; and if you think Russia won’t do everything in its power to support the Christofacist/MAGA/GOP/Nazi/KKK population with their US Civil War 2, then you are indeed fucking dumb.

          Guns are the biggest killer of children and young adults.

          This seems so far the most intelligent point you have made so far where I agree with you, but unlikely a concept you have independently considered and likely were told to think this way by someone smarter than you.

          Non-sequiturs against you aside, you cannot realistically think you can disarm the entire population of the United States without Trump-level door-to-door military style invasive home inspections? Criminals and crazies will still shoot up innocent people, and if Uvalde, TX hasn’t convinced you cops are unreliable for your personal safety, continue living in your fantasy.

          • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
            17 months ago

            The CDC’s WISQARS is free for everyone to use. And I Omitted Russia because funding alone isn’t enough. You have to be able to get out of the borders. Somewhere you can’t be touched. Counter insurgency against an enemy that is merely funded is a solved issue.

            If two thirds of the country votes to get rid of the second amendment there will not be popular support for an insurgency either. This isn’t some NRA wet dream where the Democrats suddenly turn into totalitarians.

            So in your scenario (which I admit is likely) Russia and China heavily fund militia groups. But neither Mexico or Canada wants any part in it so they don’t have anywhere to go to avoid catching drone fired missiles in the middle of the night. And the majority of the country cheers the morning news because they don’t see the militias as American after they attacked the duly elected government.

            Contrary to what you think, guns, politics, and insurgencies are all things I have experience and studies in. Another thing we’ve seen in the 21st century? As long as the Army stays out of the conflict, revolution by the masses walking in the street is far more effective than armed insurrection. And it would take a long time to bring the American military around to the point it could shoot at protesting crowds again.

            • BaroqueInMind
              17 months ago

              Everything you have said here makes logical, coherent sense and have completely changed my mind to agree with you.

              • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
                17 months ago

                Hold on I need to make screen shot. It’s going to come in handy when I run for President of the Internet.