We’ve all got them, gaming pet-peeves. Maybe it’s the unskippable cutscene, or the poorly placed checkpoint that means you’ve got to sit through the aforementioned cutscene once again. Maybe it’s the end-game boss with a surprise second health-bar, or the random difficulty spike that doesn’t feel fair.

What’s on your videogame sh*t list?

  • Exocrinous
    64 months ago

    Fake VR support.

    I adore Subnautica for its PC experience, but it’s the worst offender for this. It says it supports VR, but what it means is that you’re supposed to sit in a chair with a mouse and keyboard while wearing your VR headset. WHAT. I spent 10 minutes trying to use my VR controllers before I googled the problem and found this out. Got a refund immediately. (I already got it free on Epic and bought the Steam version for VR)

    • Rikudou_SageA
      14 months ago

      Can’t you map it using Steam Input?

        • Rikudou_SageA
          14 months ago

          That’s not in the menu, that’s in Steam, I remember playing one game using my VR controllers by mapping stuff in the Steam Input config.