New satellites that orbit the Earth at very low altitudes may result in a world where nothing is really off limits.

I want to rip out their eyes.

    28 months ago

    Honey, the REAL answer is such tech ALREADY EXISTS! Your cynical snark doesn’t make you smart or right. It just makes you one ignorant fellow. I’m not even going to bother answering you, because you aren’t here for answers. You are here to insult, annoy and pick a fight with strangers. Go look for it elsewhere.

    • thragtacular
      -18 months ago

      I do astrophotography, dingus. I’m well aware such mounts exist. I’m also aware of NASA’s history of shooting lasers at the moon to track changes in its distance.

      Have a look at that table. See all those specific wavelengths? If your dumbass idea is even remotely feasible then every single photographic satellite in orbit will ABSOLUTELY have filters that will carve out those narrow bands and others that could be realistically used to damage a camera. Lasers operate at specific wavelengths.

      I do, however, doubt that any satellite has this type of filtration because this idea is inherently stupid. Say you do somehow manage this. Guess what? You’ve put a few pixels out of commission. What happens then? It’s pretty fuckin’ simple. The satellite moves slightly and another picture gets taken with the obscured area now in view.

      Because that’s how satellite imaging works.

      If you laser is powerful, accurate, and fast tracking enough to destroy an entire imaging sensor from 400km away you’re better off just using it to ransom passing aircraft.

      Which is just as stupid.