• mozz
    06 months ago

    I can partially agree with the context you want to add to the situation, yes. That doesn’t change the fact the Russia is in a very literal sense shooting and bombing Ukrainian cities right now. Their explanation for why they’re doing it doesn’t mean it’s all of a sudden not what they’re doing.

    Surely we can agree on that much?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      06 months ago

      Ukrainian negotiators are now admitting that Russia and Ukraine had a tentative agreement last March and then Ukraine decided to sabotage it because of the pressure from the west. The west is literally the reason the war started and continues today.

      Could Russia have continued to try and find a diplomatic solution after a decade of being lied to, perhaps they could’ve tried longer. However, we now know for a fact that the west and Ukraine never intended to have good faith negotiations.

      To sum up, Russia tried to find a peaceful solution for close to a decade. The west refused to play ball. Then Russia did a show of force and brought Ukraine to negotiating table. The west sabotaged negotiations. Now, Russia is fighting a proxy war with NATO in Ukraine because of that.

      • mozz
        06 months ago

        Ukrainian negotiators are now admitting that Russia and Ukraine had a tentative agreement last March and then Ukraine decided to sabotage it because of the pressure from the west.

        Do you have a source for this?

        Could Russia have continued to try and find a diplomatic solution after a decade of being lied to,

        Why did Russia not explain this at the start of the war? They claimed they had no plans to invade Ukraine at all and it was all a Western lie. Why?

        Do you believe that “pogroms” or similar against ethnic Russians in east Ukraine were the motivation for the invasion? To what extent do you think that they were going on?