Some sources suggest he was taking a walk and suddenly fell to the ground. Very mysterious. Guess they ran out of windows.

    38 months ago

    Oh right, this instance’s hot takes are going to be complete nonsense. ‘The tortured opposition leader wasn’t perfect, you guys!’ No kidding. He still gets partial credit for sticking his neck out against a dictator-for-life who routinely murders opposition leaders. Everyone you’d prefer is already fucking dead.

        -78 months ago

        But telling you where to shove it would be uncivil.

        The funniest thing I’ve seen on Lemmy was someone insisting socialism is pragmatic and liberals are idealists, because it comes to mind every single god-dang time one of y’all shits all over opposition to outright dictatorship. So long as the dictator is from a country you insist was actually state-capitalist - the real evil is anyone fighting brutal profiteering autocracy, unless they’re ideologically pure.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          118 months ago

          Navalny is a literal racist and far right nationalist. Even western mainstream media was forced to admit this.

          In 2021, a BBC article reported even Amnesty International was forced to strip Navalny’s “prisoner of conscience” status for the violence and hate he unremorsefully promoted

          That same month, US government-funded Radio Free Europe likewise was forced to concede Navalny’s extremist background

          The fact that people like you champion him as some OpPosItiOn to a DicTatoRshiP, shows just how utterly morally bankrupt you lot are.

            -38 months ago

            “Forced to admit”? That means they reported on him, accurately, the way free media does. I don’t know what’s worse, how thick the Putin propaganda is here, or how little effort is behind it.

          48 months ago

          Bad take.

          Putin is not good, but he also isn’t Hitler. He is not an absolute evil. And regardless of the unknowable legitimacy of Russia’s elections, he’s more popular in Russia than most American Presidents are in the U.S. And at least to me, popularity is a better metric for Democracy than anything else.

          Navalny is worse than Putin. Regardless of anything else, Putin believes in Multiculturalism and Ethnopluralism (his nationalism is a Civic nationalism, not an Ethnic nationalism). Navalny has significantly less support in Russia than Putin; him being put in charge would be inherently undemocratic. Navalny would also be a Dictator; he would just be a Pro-Democracy Dictator.

          And this isn’t even touching on Geopolitics. Navalny is an opportunist who seeks to sell out Russia to the West. Putin is aligned with other anti-Imperialist global forces, such as China and Iran.

          Putin is the pragmatic choice, not Navalny.

      18 months ago

      I used to not understand how Hitler was able to rise to power. Now I do. It just requires more people like you.

        38 months ago

        Oh…was Alexia the Russian leader who, like Hitler, is invading sovereign countries to expand their territory, refuses to tolerate dissent, murders or disappears those who speak out against him, cancels fair elections and then murders his political opponent, and relies on outrageously fake state propaganda and secret police to ensure loyalty?

        Because all of that sounds very Vlad, very Vlad indeed.

        8 months ago

        Everyone who’s not ideologically pure is literally Hitler. You figured out politics and it’s super simple, good job.

        Any liberals in the resistance movements against Hitler were literally Hitler.

        Nobody but your special favorite friends are allowed to oppose a warmongering autocrat currently in power over an invading army.