European leaders have called for greater unity and military cooperation across the continent in response to comments from Donald Trump that threatened to undermine the basis of Nato.

Donald Tusk, Poland’s prime minister, said on a visit to Paris on Monday that there was “no alternative” to the EU and the transatlantic alliance before a summit in which he discussed deepening defence relationships with the French president, Emmanuel Macron.

“It is probably here in Paris that the words from The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas resonate most clearly: ‘All for one, and one for all,’” said Tusk, in a thinly veiled riposte to the former US president and frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination.


      8 months ago

      That’s not an answer that works at scale. Not everyone can move up the job pyramid. Are you going to blame the people who can’t get off minimum wage?

        -28 months ago

        Not at all, but you do have to move on to move up often. We’re not Boomers, we don’t get to stay put at a single job for 40 years. There has never been unemployment and wages have been higher for blue collar workers, with growth outpacing inflation much moreso than white collar jobs. Your labor has never been in more demand so get yourself your just dues because you can and should (and DESERVE to) be earning more than minimum wages.

          18 months ago

          Get yourself your just dues with what? With what money for training? With what time for job/training research?

          Once you’re on the paycheck to paycheck treadmill that’s it. Barring government intervention you are stuck. It’s great that some people can move up but it is neither realistic nor recognizing the rights of the working class to just tell people to get a better job. That’s not possible for most people on the underside of the median income. You think they’re working 3 jobs just to cover bills by choice?

          Get the fuck out of here with those bad faith GOP propaganda lines.