Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands

Unmarked trucks packed with prison-raised cattle roll out of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, where men are sentenced to hard labor and forced to work, for pennies an hour or sometimes nothing at all. After rumbling down a country road to an auction house, the cows are bought by a local rancher and then followed by The Associated Press another 600 miles to a Texas slaughterhouse that feeds into the supply chains of giants like McDonald’s, Walmart and Cargill…

        -18 months ago

        Got caught smoking a joint? Slavery for you.

        Pissed off a cop? Slavery for you, too.

        I don’t think slavery being the punishment for crime is the defense you think you think it is. It’s fucking barbaric.

        Oh yeah, and don’t try organizing for better conditions either. The leaders of the 2018 prison strike in the US were tortured via indefinite solitary confinement.