• @Nudding@lemmy.world
    -35 months ago

    Vote for our genocide and climate apocalypse or Trump will take away our democracy >:(

    What a fucking joke.

    • mozz
      5 months ago

      You’re like the guy in the horror movie who says, “You want us to CLOSE the BEACH? On the FIRST DAY of tourist season? You must be joking, that’s insane.”

      Yes, he really is going to make a credible effort at ending our democracy, and yes that really is much much worse than business-as-usual US foreign policy which is sometimes pretty bad. Saying it incredulously won’t make it not a big deal.

      Edit: It is also relevant also that the monsters that Trump supports are much worse than the monsters Biden supports. There’s no guarantee that Trump won’t support Netanyahu (he did move the embassy to Jerusalem), but unlike Biden, he will also support Putin, Xi, Orban, Duterte, and other modern day mini-Stalins who are in a position to do quite a bit more killing than what’s happening right now in Gaza.

      • @Nudding@lemmy.world
        -25 months ago

        Right, so if it was me in your situation, I wouldn’t be sucking Bidens dick trying to prove to everyone that he’s not as bad as trump. I would be out protesting my shitty government.

        You do you though.

        • mozz
          35 months ago

          I’ve noticed that the pattern of you and your ilk is pretty much never to respond directly to what was said, but just with each message to throw a few vaguely-related statements out, generally just vague anti-Biden statements without connection to the previous conversation. It’s like a slow motion Gish Gallop.

          sucking Bidens dick trying to prove to everyone that he’s not as bad as trump

          Okay, sure. Lay out for me how Biden is as bad as Trump. Or, change the subject to another talking point non sequitur if you like, you do you.

          • @Nudding@lemmy.world
            -25 months ago

            Trump is worse than Biden. Biden is the current president. Did you hit your head and forget that? Because trump is worse than Biden, Biden is above criticism? Again, are you retarded?

            • @StinkyOnions@lemmy.world
              35 months ago

              He never said that. You go full retard on Biden whereas trump if you truly don’t like him gets no criticism from you. Your bias is showing.

              • @Nudding@lemmy.world
                -25 months ago

                Everyone who’s not mentally deficient knows trump is worse, why would I waste my time trying to convince his cultish followers that trump is bad?

                Wouldn’t my time be better spent criticizing the current president, who, unlike trump, has a chance to listen to reason? Your bias is making you blindly support a genocidal president, who literally pumped more oil than trump…

            • mozz
              5 months ago

              It is a key feature of propagandists that factual conversations tend to get sidelined in favor of emotional appeal or blatant hostility, often centered around quick one-liner arguments or he-said-she-said hostility (often with the positions mischaracterized or exaggerated to the point of caricature, as in this example).

              • I said US foreign policy is pretty bad and Biden support monsters
              • They said I’m sucking Biden’s dick and mocked the idea that there’s a difference between the parties
              • I asked how Biden is as bad as Trump
              • Hostility, “retarded,” “did you hit your head,” and a sudden shift to asserting that both parties aren’t the same.

              The Card Says Moops lays out a lot of how it works. The hostility because both parties are the same has now transformed into hostility alongside the fact that they’re not the same; the facts have morphed 180 degrees to suit what will “win” the current exchange, but the bitterness and hostility is the constant.

              (Edit: Further more explicit example, I quickly looked back in this person’s history and found “As a Canadian, yeah both of your right wing parties are essentially the same.”)

              I could point out that I literally criticized Biden in a couple different ways during my message #1, but it won’t change the flow of the conversation. My guess is we’ll now shift to a new non sequitur attack.


                • mozz
                  15 months ago

                  In a normal conversation, you’d just openly clarify what you actually believe and we could move past it. I literally quoted you two different ways in the very message you’re responding to, seeming to say that Biden is as bad as Trump.

                  If I’ve gotten you wrong or I’m missing context to the statements I quoted, then you can just say hey, here’s what I actually think, and after the clarification we can have a productive factual conversation, whether we ultimately agree or disagree. But it seems like you’re not into that.

                  This is why I linked to “The Card Says Moops.”

                  • @Nudding@lemmy.world
                    -15 months ago

                    This has been far from a normal conversation, my friend. You jump to conclusions too fast. I think Trump is fucking ridiculous. Why would I waste my time trying to convince his cult to change policy, when Joe Biden (the current president FYI) has some chance to listen to reason.

                    I’ll say it again, and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for it here, but criticism of the democratic party or Joe Biden is not de facto support for trump.

                    If you have to silence valid critics, your country is lost and you should start again.

                    But it seems like you’re not into that.

                    Yeah I wonder why I wouldn’t wanna talk to somebody who doesn’t address my criticism, and just tries to psychoanalyze my apparent political leaning 🙄