• BaldProphet
    -25 months ago

    They fucking sucked, most of them were morally bankrupt businessmen who would love Trump.

    It’s pretty much impossible to support the idea that the Founding Fathers were “morally bankrupt”. There is no unmoving foundation of morality that remains unchanged throughout human history, and judging historical figures from over 200 years ago by today’s moral standards simply makes no sense.

    Were they immoral by today’s standards? Yes, absolutely. Where they immoral by 19th century standards? I’d say they were about average, but I’m not from that time so I couldn’t say for sure.

      • BaldProphet
        -15 months ago

        Yes, even some of the founding fathers. For example, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and other Framers of the Constitution were abolitionists.