In the end, the KIA car company made its cars into subscription models, I really hate this because in the end the car we buy with our own money doesn’t feel like it belongs to us. Should we finally buy an old school car ? so as not to be affected by this subscription models or is there a way to crack the software installed in it ?

  • originalucifer
    1768 months ago

    you should absolutely choose a vehicle without subscriptions, and make a point of stating it at time of purchase

    this is your one moment to make a difference

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      278 months ago

      Not until my 2007 Tundra literally collapses into a pile of rust and plastic. Hopefully it’s not too late by then.

      98 months ago

      LOL how does one go about that, exactly?

      Do you walk into the dealer and state affirmatively “I am not buying a car here because I don’t want a subscription!” and then turn around and walk out?

      Won’t matter. The company knows you don’t want this. They also know that enough other people will pay for it that it won’t matter. These subscriptions are not new. If people put their foot down and refused to pay for them they would go away, but the opposite it happening.
