When one asks what’s killing the GOP’s ability to advance their immigration agenda, it’s clear the call is coming from inside the House

Republican lawmakers in the House are once again at each other’s throats, this time over their efforts to secure hardline border and immigration reform.

On Friday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) skewered former President Donald Trump — and members of his own party — for failing to secure the border during his own time in office during an interview on Fox Business.

“President Trump failed, along with Republicans … they failed in 2018 to actually move a border security bill to tighten this so that we weren’t dealing with this crisis right now, they failed to build the wall,” Roy said, “this stuff matters, it adds up.”

During a heated floor debate on Thursday, Roy also expressed his frustrations with his caucus. “It doesn’t matter who is sitting in the speaker’s seat or who has the majority. We keep doing the same stupid stuff,” he said, lambasting a proposed resolution that would extend government funding through early March. The bill passed and was signed by President Biden on Friday.

  • @Kiernian@lemmy.world
    19 months ago

    I’m unaware of a solid answer on this.

    It’s an old enough nickname that the origins are likely lost to obscurity.

    It’s been said that it’s a shortened version of “chip off the old block” but I find it more likely that it’s an evolution of “chib” as it seems to predate the phrase, from what I can tell.