I’m not like a super political person, and from my understanding its the idea that if I make a $10 thing for the bossman, but only get $1 that is wage theft?

But like, when I took the job I knew how much I was going to make?

Or is it like, people are literally not getting their paychecks?

I’m slightly inebreated, lazy, and don’t want my algorithms to start becoming politically charged from googling and youtubing this. I’m already collapse aware and my mental health is ultra fragile.

Help me Lemmy wan kenobi, you’re my only hope.

  • @brygphilomena@lemmy.world
    29 months ago

    Report them to the Department of Labor. Give as much info as you can and they will follow up in the investigation and litigation.

    If all goes well, you don’t have to do much and when the investigation and litigation is done you’ll get paid out.

    • folkrav
      9 months ago

      Oh, after they moved me from store to store then fired me, I did. I’m in Quebec, Canada, so it’s through the CNESST. They’re all too happy to take cases against this specific employer. Still, after 2 years of back and forth and a depresssion later, I resorted to an undisclosed settlement.

      Even if the institutions exist to go after a previous employer, it’s also not always doable. And you gain a big resume gap unless you want to keep talking about that ex-employer you sued…